Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

Revelation 3:22





22 He that hath[echo] an ear,[ous] let him hear[akouo] what[tis] the Spirit[pneuma] saith[lego] unto the churches.[ekklesia]   KJV-Interlinear



22 'He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.' "    NASB



And now for the seventh time, Christ makes an appeal to you, and to all believers in Christ, to listen, to pay attention, to subordinate your personal opinions and beliefs and set them aside, and learn the truth about life, about your destiny, about yourself, and just how you fit into the greater picture of human history and eternity.


To those Christians who succeed in Gods plan, there is reward and blessing beyond the imagination, and to those who do not succeed, there is heaven at the very least, but the infinite rewards which are intended to make that new home an even greater home and life, there it will not be.


Life is full of symbolic examples.  And for one, we have social structure in this world which places the smallest minority at the very top of the wealth category and the greater majority category at the very bottom in the poverty or destitute category.


When you were born into this life, you had no choice as to where you would be born or even end up in life. The world has so many barriers in front of us all that advancement is difficult if not impossible for most.


However, when you were born again, you have every opportunity to define your own destiny, to seize hold of it and to possess it forever.That opportunity requires only a positive attitude from you, and a commitment to learn doctrine and to grow up in your spiritual life.


And look at the world around you. Most will not even make the effort, even though the effort amounts to reading for maybe five to ten minutes of Bible study each day.And that is such a burden placed on a person!!


God gave us Bible doctrine. He gave it to us to read and to understand, and to know.


What does this verse say? ‘Let him hear…’


Hearing is accompanied with comprehension and understanding, if you allow it, if you want it bad enough. But then most folks give only lip service to God, and don’t really want to do as He instructs.


Only a few will make it all of the way to spiritual maturity.Only a very few.Even though spiritual success is available to everyone.


Many believe that the Bible contains too may obscure things, never intended to be understood. And they are wrong.  Everything in the Bible is there to be understood, and is easily understood, when you listen to its teaching.


Many have their own beliefs, have their own views on life, and reject instruction to their own detriment.


We have just concluded, in these last two chapters, the study of all of the possible attitudes that Christians can and will have in life.It would serve you well to go back over them slowly and make notes of the complaints, of the warnings, and of the blessings promised.


And although I do not give out homework as a general rule from this study, I could ask you to send me an email with your study summary of chapters two and three.  Just label your email, Revelation Homework. Of course you will have to find my email address.Ugh! More work!   And no I won’t be grading them.I will probably just glance at them and delete them. You are doing this for your benefit and of no other reason.So keep your notes in your notebook.Are you keeping a notebook, as I suggested on the web site?


I wonder just how many will even be interested, and how many will even make the effort?


Remember, those who are proactive in their spiritual life, will succeed.Those who are not, won’t.


Life of a very serious matter.What is on the line, is your entire eternal future. How good do you want your life to be? How bad do you want it? And are you willing to stick with a daily study for everyday of your life, even when the studies get boring, even when life becomes tough for you, even when there are better things to do, than reading a Bible study?


Most folks would answer this with a resounding, ‘Yes.’ But most won’t follow through.


Where is your life going to end up when it is all said and done?Said and done by God, not by you.



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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
