Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



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Revelation 3:11





11 Behold,[idou] I come[erchomai] quickly:[tachu] hold that fast[krateo] which[hos] thou hast,[echo] that[hina] no man[medeis] take[lambano] thy[sou] crown.[stephanos]   KJV-Interlinear



11 'I am coming quickly; hold fast what you have, in order that no one take your crown.    NASB



Jesus Christ announces here that He is coming quickly.But for what purpose?Our context is for the removal of the Church so that they (we) will not be made to endure the ‘time of testing,’ which is to come.


Jesus Christ is coming back to this earth on two different occasions.One is the Rapture, which does not bring judgment, but the removal of the Church, and the second time He returns, will be the Second Advent which will occur at the end of the Tribulation.


The Rapture marks the removal of the Church and the beginning of the time of testing, which we call the Tribulation. And it is this first return, ‘I am coming quickly,’ that Christ is referring to here.


Quickly, means that His coming is imminent. It could happen at any time since the writing of this book.Obviously it has not yet occurred in history, for once it does occur, then the world will have only seven more years remaining of human ruled history.  See the chart on the Dispensation five phases.


However, that does not mean that it could not occur right now, a year from now, or a century from now. We simply do not know when Christ will return to sweep all Christians away from this world, in the Rapture.


But regardless of when it will occur, the issue for each one of us, is not that expected date, but retaining the spiritual growth and advancing our spiritual growth to the maximum possible extent, that we possibly can.


We are to not lose our spiritual growth.


Once you have been saved, your salvation is permanent and cannot be lost.However, once you have been saved, or often times it is called ‘born again,’ then we are spiritual babies.And babies need to grow up.And that is what Christ is referring to here.Grow up and do not lose your growth.


For in spiritual growth we produce good in our spiritual life, and the production of spiritual good, means spiritual rewards.Those rewards are many, but Christ uses the example of crowns, to identify your rewards.


Not everyone will receive extra rewards for eternity.Rewards are dependent on your spiritual growth. No growth, no reward.  And it is that future reward that you can or could lose, if you faded away from your daily study of the Bible.


In the letters to the churches, we have already studied several of the reward categories.  In the Bible, crowns are used as examples of rewards.


The Bible identifies five crowns - the Everlasting Crown (Victory) in 1 Cor 9:25, Crown of the Soul Winner in Phil 4:1 and 1 Thes 2:19, Crown of Righteousness in 2 Tim 4:8, Crown of Life in Jas 1:12 and Rev 2:10, and the Crown of Glory in 1 Peter 5:4.


Each of these crowns has a special meaning. The study of crowns is in the Special Studies Library on the web site.


Anyway, the Church of Philadelphia, has not been on the good or bad side of God.  But they are warned to stay the course, retain what they have and not lose it, because He is coming, sure as the sun will rise in the morning.


All Church Age believers have received the promise that they will not be present for the Tribulation, but will be spared its horrible atrocities. But even though we will not see that worst time in history, we still need to continue our advancement to maturity and keep it. Don’t become lax, don’t become indifferent, don’t become disinterested in doctrine, just because you will not ever be forced to live through the worst time in human history.


There are still plenty of personal times of testing for each one of us, and we all still have a destiny with eternity. We need to make the most of our time here and now, to insure the greatest eternity possible for ourselves.



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