25 But[plen] that which[hos] ye have[echo] already hold
fast[krateo] till[achri][hou] I come[an].[heko]Â Â KJV-Interlinear
25 'Nevertheless what you have,
hold fast until I come. Â Â Â NASB
The word for hold fast, ‘krateo,’
means to hold on with all of your strength, obtain, retain, keep, do not let
go, keep on holding on.
The connotation here is that what you have is of
extreme value.The world will try its
best to take it from you through distractions, enticements, pressures, deceit
Your most valuable asset or possession is your spiritual
life.Your spiritual life is powered by
Bible doctrine.You can only come into
possession of doctrine by learning it on a daily basis.
And then you are to keep what you have, obtain more
and as much as possible, and hold on to it with all of your strength.
And, you are to keep on doing this, throughout your
entire life and until Christ calls you out of this world.
One day Christ will come for you, either in the
usual sense, or in an extraordinary sense (Rapture), but no matter how or when,
your focus should not be on the how or when, but on your daily commitment to your
Bible study and growth.
History will take care of itself. You need to take care of your own self by
advancing to spiritual maturity, and the ultimate completion of your own life
to its fullest.And you need to do this
no matter what happens in your life, to your life.
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