Copyright © 2009 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

Revelation 2:6





6 But[alla] this[touto] thou hast,[echo] that[hoti] thou hatest [miseo] the deeds[ergon] of the Nicolaitans, [Nikolaites] which[hos] I also[kago] hate.[miseo]   KJV-Interlinear



6 'Yet this you do have, that you hate the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.    NASB



Even though the Ephesians had fallen away from their first love, namely the fundamental principles of their daily obedience to their studies and worship, etc., they still retained their repulsion of sinful lifestyles.


This is identified in the description of the ‘deeds’ of the Nicolaitans.  Note, they did not hate the people, only their pattern of life.


And hate, ‘miseo,’ means to reject, detest, refuse to adopt for ones self. This is not a verb for anger, but for the rejection of a way of life.


The Nicolaitans, are also mentioned in the letter to Pergamum, Rev. 2:12-15.


Nicolaitanism represents immorality and wickedness. The letter to Pergamum links Nicolaitanism with Balaam's false teaching that led Israel astray. The deeds of the Nicolaitans involved sensual temptations leading to sexual immorality and eating things sacrificed to idols, Rev. 2:14, without regard for the offense of such behavior, Rom 14:1-15:3.  It attempted an ethical compromise with heathenism.Nicolaitans lived lives of unrestrained indulgence and abandoned themselves to pleasure leading a life of self-indulgence.


Pergamum tolerated the behavior, unlike the Ephesians who did not.And for that, the Lord commended the Ephesians.


God hates, rejects, impurity, Isa 61:8; Jer 44:4; Amos 5:21; Zech 8:17.


However, remember, even though you may have the appropriate attitude toward sin or a bad pattern of life, that does not release you from adhering to the fundamental mandates which God requires of you, in your spiritual life.


Mandates, namely your pursuit of objective daily Bible study, which in turn is the basis for your correct understanding and interpretation and discernment and application of scripture to your daily life, and to reality.


Remember what the greatest commandment is?


Matt. 22:37

Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.


You are to love with all your heart, soul, and mind.


Love is the content of scripture, ‘agapao.’


Heart, represents the circulation of that information throughout your soul.


The soul is where the real you resides.


The mind is representative of your memory center, or where the edification of spiritual resources are constructed.The temple, mansion, fortress, within your soul built by doctrine, and is the foundation of your life.


Therefore, your obligation to God is to learn truth, and center your life around it.


The Ephesians lost this perspective and traded it in for more superficial principles, even though they retained some valid principles.


Sincerity is not the basis for the spiritual life.Good intentions are not the basis for the spiritual life.


And when people get away from sound principle, then they will have a tendency to cling to fads, or concepts that distort truth, and then chase off in the wrong direction.  One error, leads to two, leads to three, etc.


In our current day, prophecy or social engineering or other popular philosophies become the distraction away from sound doctrine.


Agreeing to disagree is never an option. Learning truth is ones only option. And you can only learn truth from a legitimate source of truth.It cannot be self taught.


What is on the line? Your entire destiny, your candlestick, your meaning and purpose, your blessings, your status as a mature, and complete, Christian, the quality of your entire eternal future.




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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
