Copyright © 2009 J. Neely. All rights reserved.



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Revelation 1:20





20 The mystery[musterion] of the seven[hepta] stars[aster] which[hos] thou sawest [eido] in[epi] my[mou] right hand,[dexios] and[kai] the seven[hepta] golden[chruseos] candlesticks.[luchnia] The seven[hepta] stars[aster] are[eisi] the angels[aggelos] of the seven[hepta] churches:[ekklesia] and[kai] the seven[hepta] candlesticks[luchnia] which[hos] thou sawest[eido] are[eisi] the seven[hepta] churches.[ekklesia]   KJV-Interlinear



20 "As for the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.    NASB



And now John closes out the first chapter of this book with a mystery.


Here mystery represents more than a revealed truth.Revealed truth being Bible doctrine.But a mystery of truth means that a more real or more sacred truth, is withheld.


Mystery, ‘musterion,’ is a secret which is known to only those members of the group for which the mystery applies.It is a silence imposed on its membership, and not known to outsiders.


Typically in ancient times, this was a common practice among religious groups.They would keep their rules or procedures or principles, secret and to themselves.  Their secrets were not to be revealed to non-members, but known only to those who were members of the group.


However, John writes this verse after the command to write the book in its entirety.And since this book has been written and therefore revealed to everyone, then why the mystery?


Because when history approaches the end times, this book of information will become as though it were a long time held secret, known to no one. And why will it be known to no one?Because in the end times, we are referring not to the Tribulation seven year period, but to the end of our current dispensation, which we call the Church Age.


But anyway, when our dispensation approaches its end, there will be a great apostasy which will have taken over the world. And with most people negative toward Bible doctrine, then most people will not know of these things.  And not knowing of these things means they, by default, become a mystery.


Therefore we can put together two passages quite easily.Actually three passages. First, our current passage, the mystery.


Second, Matt 24:38.

38 "For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, they were marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,    NASB


Third, 2 Thess 2:3

3 Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,    NASB


Combining these three passages, reveals to us the apostate state of the world immediately prior to the Rapture.


Apostasy is not a mere indifference toward truth, but it is actually a rejection of truth, wherein lies or unsound principles in society, have replaced the solid fundamental principles of truth.


And who will recognize this fact? Only those who have adopted a daily and consistent practice of studying the Bible.


Those who do not study as commanded by God, will never figure it out, or they will come up with their own bizarre interpretation of this book.


And so God reveals the meaning of the seven stars, and the seven candlesticks.


Held in his right hand, Jesus Christ maintains control over His church, even in times of great apostasy. The seven stars are not angels as we have studied already, but the messengers, or instructors of the Church. The seven candlesticks represent the churches of our current dispensation, or all believers who will live within our dispensation.


Seven is the number of completion. When God restored the earth, on the seventh day He rested.His work had been completed.All had been put into place for the unfolding and completion of human history.


And the sevens repeated here, refer to the completed church, listed as churches in Asia Minor, all gentile churches, and excluding the churches in Judea.   Therefore, this book is addressed not to the Old Testament era, not to the Laws of Moses and the Prophets, but to the new covenant of Christ, wherein there is no further designation between Jew and gentile, but one family in God through Christ.


As we mentioned earlier, some folks will read this book for its entertainment value and nothing more.


Some will read it and be startled as the impending realities unfold in history.This may apply to you and me as we see the tremendous insanity that seems to have gripped the world leaders in our current generation. And those world leaders are only in power because a spiritually naïve pubic put them there.


And some will read it with horror in their hearts. Those will be the folks that will have to live through the terrible times that are portrayed in this book. It will be a time of social and political and racial ostracism, of starvation, of severe economic regulation, of horrible government abuse, of rampant disease, of rampant crime, and of war and worse.


If you live in places where life has an antiseptic view, then it is difficult to imagine the hardships that people will face. You probably would have to actually live in one of the more depressed places in this world, to even begin to imagine what life will be like in the Tribulation.For the Tribulation will be so bad, that well before its seven years pass, literally half of the worlds population will be dead.


For some perspective today, that would be like three and a half billion people dying over the next few years. Something difficult to imagine now, but if the Tribulation does not occur for another century, then the worlds population may well be over fifty billion, and the horror will be way off the charts.


Revelation, when you look deep into the original language, becomes pretty graphic.If you are not already signed up on at least the free subscription for receiving the daily studies, you might want to consider it.


But, how do they say it? ‘Viewer discretion is advised!’ (Couldn’t resist saying that.)



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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
