7 Behold,[idou] he cometh[erchomai] with[meta] clouds;[nephele] and[kai] every[pas] eye[ophthalmos] shall see[optanomai] him,[autos] and[kai] they also which[hostis] pierced[ekkenteo] him:[autos] and[kai] all[pas] kindreds[phule] of the earth[ge] shall wail[kopto] because[epi] of him.[autos] Even so, [nai] Amen.[amen]
8 I[ego] am[eimi] Alpha[a] and[kai] Omega,[omega] the beginning[arche] and[kai] the ending,[telos] saith
[lego] the Lord,[kurios] which[ho] is[on],[ho on kai
ho en kai ho erchomenos] and
[kai] which[ho]
was[en],[ho on kai ho en kai ho erchomenos] and[kai] which[ho] is to come[erchomai],[ho on kai ho en
kai ho erchomenos] the
Almighty.[pantokrator] KJV-Interlinear
7 Behold, He is coming with the
clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the
tribes of the earth will mourn over Him. Even so.
8 "I am
the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and
who is to come, the Almighty." NASB
Behold, 'idou', see,
understand, know, be aware, listen, pay attention.
This is a loud announcement intended for all
peoples, believer and unbeliever alike.
Stop what you are doing.Stand
up, look and know what is happening.Because this is a certain event that will occur in the future.
The second advent of Jesus Christ is the event and
it will be the tactical victory of the angelic conflict. The first victory at the Cross was the
strategic victory.God did what He said
He would do.Provide a savior for all
mankind, and despite the barriers and many attempts of man and Satan to prevent
it.In the most
ancient of times, without technology, without modern medicines and science, or
even indoor plumbing.Despite the
lawlessness and tyranny that certainly abounded in parts of the world in those
distant past centuries.Gods plan
advanced forward toward the Cross and succeeded.
Here now is the second event in history worth
noting. The second victory of God, who knows all and sees
all.Man cannot know all or even
see his own nose objectively. Man
concludes that his past was from apes and fish, based on similarities in
behavior. Of course mankind in his sin nature merely acts like everyone else in
the jungle.Animals do not act like man,
but man acts like animals, which is a regression not an evolution.
But soon there will come a time, still future when
all eyes will see the public arrival of Christ in all his glory. Riding His white war horse, for that is how
Christ is going to attend a war.The
earth is engulfed in its Armageddon battle in Satans last attempt to destroy the last promise of
God to deliver the Jews in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem is surrounded.The
world is engulfed in its most violent war worldwide. No one is neutral. Everyone has chosen a side.
This is the culmination of the tribulation which
began with the rapture of the Church seven years prior. We as believers in this Church Age will not
be on this earth during those terrible seven years. We will be in heaven celebrating in the
biggest party ever.At the rapture we
departed from this earth and were transformed in mid flight into our
resurrection bodies.We were received by
Christ in mid air, and there all knees bent, all heads bowed to Him, Jesus
Christ, the first and the last, the alpha and omega.
From there we spent the next three-and-a-half;
years standing before Him in the Judgment Seat of Christ, receiving our
evaluation, being cleansed with Christ's purifying fire, which removes all that
wood, hay, and stubble, or human good we packed away while on earth.
What did we do with our spiritual lives on
We receive or miss out on blessings awarded at that
time, depending on the spiritual content of our soul. Some will receive much because they advanced
to spiritual maturity.Others will
receive little because they ignored Bible doctrine in this life. They sought lifes
pleasures instead.
Satan is ejected from heaven, mid way through the
Tribulation, and not allowed to attend the wedding feast, the next event in
heaven, which will occur during the last half of the tribulation seven years
Then comes the party
during the next three-and-a-half-years, the wedding feast. Christ will have burned all the human good
off of usat
our evaluation and cleansed us thoroughly, and given us our awards, and
crowns.We the bride will have been
purified for the groom.
Now in our pure white clothing, unblemished and
standing before Him, we will celebrate with Him in the greatest wedding feast
of all time.At its conclusion, the call
goes up in a loud cry.We mount on our
white war horses, probably screaming at the top of our resurrected lungs, and
then we gallop across the universe.Warp
and hyper-warp are like standing still.
We will be cruising big time.
Christ in the lead, and then the peoples back on
this earth will stop and look up seeing Christ coming in all His glory, with
clouds (that's us).All darkness will be
obliterated.All peoples on all sides of
the globe will be awake and will see His second coming. Terror will seize them that rejected
What they had ignored, is coming to pass and their
destinies of doom are about to be sealed.
Believers on earth, those who believed in Christ since the rapture, will
shout with joy at their rescue.
Adrenaline will flow as never before.
John gives us a snap shot of the picture that even
Hollywood could not reproduce on film.A
picture that in our wildest imaginations serves to reinforce our faith and
future hope and confidence in God, and all our commitment to our daily study of
Bible doctrine.Believe it!
And though I have listed verse seven and eight in today’s
study, it will take us several days of study to get through just these two
This book of Revelation is filled with the wildest
adventure of them all.Nothing in
imagination or in history will ever surpass what we are going to study over the
next several months.And the big thing
of it all is, that this is real, not some Hollywood pretend movie, but the real
John began what is
probably the greatest culminating book ever written, with the name of the most
important person ever, Jesus Christ. John continued with the most important thing
that should be in our individual lives, and that is Bible doctrine learned,
understood, and mastered by each one of us, maximizing our individual spiritual
lives, and bringing the greatest of purpose and meaning into each of our
personal lives.
God the Father gave this message to Christ, and
then through the Holy Spirit, to each one of us.
This book is addressed not to unbelievers, but to
believers.Because for
unbelievers, there is no hope or promise, unless and until they believe in
For believers, this is the greatest promise of them
all.Jesus Christ controls history. Jesus Christ was revealed in the past, so that
He will bring the turmoil of the world under control, and wipe out evil. God did not create evil, but God will terminate
And that is our promise and assurance, here.
John began the book with Christ, and in his own
way, shows us how this story is going to end, with the victory of Christ.
These opening verses are only an introduction,
there is far more excitement to come, and far more details to document them
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