3 Blessed[makarios] is he that readeth,[anaginosko] and[kai] they that hear[akouo] the
words[logos] of this prophecy,[propheteia] and[kai] keep[tereo] those things which are written[grapho] therein[en]:[autos] for[gar] the time[kairos] is at hand.[eggus] KJV-Interlinear
3 Blessed is
he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things
which are written in it; for the time is near. NASB
The whole Bible is the revelation of Jesus
Christ.Though Jesus Christ is God and
the entire scriptures come from God, Jesus as the Son of God,
is the represented mediator between God and man and therefore receives His
instruction from the Father.And in turn
communicates Gods Word, through the Holy Spirit, who is the revealer of
scripture, to mankind.
Unlike all other religions and beliefs, there is
only one truth, and one source of truth, which is God the Father. And we have access to that truth by only one
means and that is through Jesus Christ, who is our Lord and Savior. And it is so stated herein so that all who
read these words, will know that they are truth, and that they will come to
pass at Gods convenience.
'Blessed', ‘makarios,’ is
the result, which goes to those who follow their consistent daily study of Gods Word.
You cannot simply read and forget what you have
read.But you must study in a manner
which is compatible with Gods commands, where you learn and, comprehend, and
possess the information which you have learned so that you can use it in your
life.But more than that, as we will see
when we get to the seven spirits, in the next verse, there is a specific
procedure for learning and for your advancement in your spiritual life.
Genesis began with God in the beginning, because
God is not only the beginning but the source of everything in creation. Note that God is not a part of creation. God preexisted creation, and is not apart of it. God created the universe, yet God is outside
the universe.So, here in Revelation, as
John begins the chapter, the order of priorities is first set out. We will read all the cool stuff about dragons
and battles and such later, but in the beginning of this book the more
important things are covered – your spiritual knowledge and growth.
First there is God, who gave instruction to Jesus
Christ.Christ is our mediator and our
link to God the Father.But there must
be a mechanism that makes that link complete between
us and God, and that mechanism is Bible doctrine.
First the gospel which
gets us into Gods family and therefore in a potential position for a
relationship with God. Then there is doctrine, or the rest of the
content of scripture, which is the source of our spiritual growth, and making
possible an increased relationship with God.
The result is blessing. Blessing to anyone, and it is guaranteed, who
studies Bible doctrine, who listens, who hears, who retains and who applies
(heeds) the doctrine they have learned, to their daily lives. It all begins with your attitude toward
doctrine, 'hearing', or being positive enough to go the entire distance of
learning to the point of spiritual maturity.
Because the time is
short, or near, as John warns us. History is moving rapidly to a close. If the Cross occurred in 30 AD, then we are 1,979
years into this Church Age (as of the year 2009). Remember that Christ was born in the Age of
Israel, and this Church Age began 50 days after the Cross, at Pentecost, and
our Church Age has continued until this day.
Our Dispensation will continue until the number of believers for this
Royal Family is completed, and will terminate at the rapture of the
church.God alone knows when the number
of believers will be completed.And
since God is the source of order and planning, there is definitely a time
predetermined for that event to occur.
God does not do anything haphazardly or arbitrarily. Nothing in life, repeat, nothing in life
occurs by accident.
But here we are warned that time is short, or
near. The meaning of the word, 'eggus', near, ready, hand at the throttle, squeezed, arm
flexed to the point of aching, a curved arm.
OK, so what does that all mean?
God has completed, at the Cross, all the history
that is necessary to complete in order for history to come to a close. God is ready as far as mankind and angels are
concerned, and can pull the plug on history and the angelic conflict at any
moment.The next prophecy in time is
that of the rapture of the church.It is
imminent and has been ever since John wrote these words and published this
letter to the churches back in 96 AD.
So from that point on, and since the Bible has then
been completed, God tells us that the time is ever short. He does not have to wait for the nations to
form around Israel.God does not have to
wait for the spheres of power to form to the north, south. east
and west.God does not have to wait for
the kings of the east to come to power, or any other
king for that matter.Ever since the
first century that stage has been set for the rapture and the final events of
Gods hand and arm are poised on the lever, arm
flexed, muscles straining at the ready, to push history into its next
So the warning to each of
us.Do not
procrastinate in your spiritual growth.
Don't put off that which you should be doing today, studying your Bible
and growing up in your spiritual life.
Your over all objective in life in spiritual advancement to
maturity.Your entire eternal future
depends on it.You will either be a
lower class, or upper class citizen in heaven.
There is no equality in heaven, since all will not have the same
rewards.All will not have the same
crowns, awards, blessings, beyond the basic blessings, and eternity is a long
time for these differences to last.
Opportunity is now and when your death occurs, or
when the rapture occurs, then your opportunities for advancement in your
spiritual life in this current life, will end.
And what you have spiritually, in your soul, in this life is what you
will take with you to heaven for your review and presentation of rewards by
Christ at the Judgment Seat of Christ.
Therefore, do not be fooled. All scripture comes from God, and it comes
through only one source, Jesus Christ.
So study doctrine, learn it, and keep it as though
it were the greatest treasure in your life, because ....
it is.
The arm of Jesus Christ is flexed to the maximum,
His hand holding tightly on the lever of human history. When God the Father indicates the exact
moment when history will change course (the Rapture), then Christ will throw
that lever (symbolic) and events will begin to occur is very rapid succession.
To those who actually read or hear these words
(Revelation) and those to follow, and learn from them, then blessing will occur
in their life.To those who are not
interested, then something worse, not blessing, will occur
in their life.
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