You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.
9 And [de] let us [ekkakeo] not [me] be weary [ekkakeo] in well [kalos] doing [poieo]: for [gar] in due [idios] season [kairos] we shall
reap [therizo], if we faint [ekluo] not [me]. KJV-Interlinear
9 And let
us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not
grow weary. NASB
We all have two phases of our life. This life we live here and now in this world, and the next life which will take us into eternity. The decisions you make now, will determine your entire eternal future. Don’t mess up your life by pretending. Don’t mess your life up by refusing to learn what God wants from you and for you. This life is by far the shorter of the two, lasting just a few decades, if that, and the next life will last forever. We are here now, to prepare ourselves for the next life. It is then, that all of our dedication, or lack of it, will be rewarded or not.
In this life we have to set up our priorities and decide if the next life is going to be a part of those priorities or not.
Here in this world we grow up and learn responsibilities and engage in whatever our chosen field of work is going to be. And it is by those choices that we are able to provide the necessary logistics of life, for ourselves and our family, in this world.
But that is all those choices provide, whatever it takes to get along in life, during our life, until the end of our life. Then the next life begins when this one ends.
That is when you have to be prepared, because there are no do-overs, no returns to make changes and try again. Once you are gone, then you have to deal with whatever it is that you dedicated your life to, while in this world. And you have to deal with the repercussions forever.
That is a long time.
So, the very first decision you have to make is to believe in Christ. That sets the stage for your living in heaven rather than in the Lake of Fire.
The next decision that you must make is a series of decisions that you need to make day after day, for the rest of your life here in this world. You need to learn what it is that God wants you to learn. And that doesn’t take much time out off your day. Maybe a few minutes a day, but they are very important minutes, nonetheless.
And those daily decisions are two-fold. The first is to live in fellowship, which you obtain when you confess your sins, and the next is to participate in a daily bible study.
Now, here is where the real miracle of life occurs.
Anyone can read the bible, but only those believers in fellowship, benefit from the content of the bible.
Sure we all know the stories of the baby Jesus, and David, and Noah and so forth. But the real benefit, is acquired when you study the bible daily, while is fellowship, which allows the Holy Spirit, whom you cannot detect or feel or sense in any way, takes that spiritual food and incorporates it into your soul, thus building up within you, a spiritual palace and fortress.
It is not the words per se that build, but the obedience and repetition and consistency to study, and thus God does all of the building in your behalf. That is where the supernatural power and magic and miracle occurs, that God preforms for you, and in you.
And it all occurs behind the scenes, so to speak, because you do not feel anything, you just learn and grow and mature, and sooner or later you realize the phenomenal changes that have occurred in your life.
Often times it seems like life is too difficult, that God is not there, that there is nothing more than the repetitious activities of day to day living. When you pray, no one answers, no one texts you back, there is no confirmation email from heaven, and so it can be difficult to depend on faith alone, because it is so intangible.
But, one day you will leave this world. And having seen all of the many examples of blessings and cursing's, which this world displays, it is far better to be on the blessings end of life, rather than on the cursings end.
So, persevere, keep up your positive outlook. Do not fall away or fade from your daily study, because one day in your life, God is going to call you home, and it will be then, that all of your dedication, boring as it may often times seem, will be well worth it, beyond your imagination.
And if you have any imagination at all, that can be a lot. Far more than this world could ever offer, and more.