You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.
19 Now [de] the works [ergon] of the flesh [sarx] are [esti] manifest [phaneros], which [hostis] are [esti] these; Adultery [moicheia], fornication [porneia],
uncleanness [akatharsia], lasciviousness [aselgeia], KJV-Interlinear
19 Now the
deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, NASB
Paul begins an example list of works of the flesh, or of the carnal life that we have been studying. He places these sins in four categories. The first group listed here, are related to sins of chastity.
The works of the flesh are those things that are natural productions or tendencies of the carnal life.
The first activity listed here, adultery, represents the unfaithfulness that one displays toward that to which one has dedicated ones life. The typical example is in the violation of the marriage vows, but it is not restricted to marital infidelity. It includes the unfaithfulness of one spouse in refusing or withholding marital relations with their spouse. It includes the refusal of normal interactions that are expected between spouses. But also, since marriage in life is a symbolism of the relations that we have with God, through Christ and doctrine, then when one refuses doctrine, or seeks out other forms of philosophy, or seeks out other forms of spirituality, then one is in effect cheating on God.
Fornication is the act of interaction with something or somone with whom you should not be having relations. Typically this is thought of in terms of sexual relations, but again, the symbolisms of failure in the spiritual life, portray ones relations with non-spiritual activity, or any activity conducted outside of the fellowship sphere.
Uncleanness, indicates a much wider range of sinful activities, indulgencies, or lusts, or non-spiritual priorities.
Lasciviousness, points to reckless activities, lusts, drives, activities that lack boundaries, morals, or concern for anyone other than ones own self.