Copyright © 2010 J. Neely. All rights reserved.


You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

1 Timothy 4:2





2 Speaking lies [pseudologos] in [en] hypocrisy; [hupokrisis] having [kauteriazo] their [idios] conscience [suneidesis] seared with a hot iron; [kauteriazo] KJV-Interlinear



2 by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, NASB



When we get to the study of Ephesians, we will study the scar tissue of the soul. You might want to sometime review the charts, on the web site, of the human soul for both believers and unbelievers. There are three charts.


The searing of the soul is in view here.


We have studied already that the Bible (the Spirit), has stated that there is going to be an apostasy coming, such as has never before occurred in history. This from our long study of verse one. That single verse study took us about five days to complete.


We have learned that all evil, all false doctrine, comes from only one source, namely Satan. Satan is the father of lies, and those who follow him (demons) promote his lies as well.


Their system of lies has saturated the world through history, by means of various communications to humanity by demons, through the occult, through the various systems of reading cards, or bones, or the stars, or astrology, or numbers, and so forth. And though many folks see these things as seemingly harmless, they are in effect the most dangerous things in all of history.


History has recorded many leaders who have consulted seers, or witches, or persons who claim to have access to the other side. And you should not be surprised that, that practice is observed even in our current day.


Anyway, Satan's philosophy is readily available to humanity, by various means.


And all lies are in effect, hypocrisy, which is nothing more than duplicity, deceit, pretense, double standards, insincerity and so forth.


The speaking of lies, is on the human side of the coin, whereas the source of the lies is on the satanic side.


Satan starts the lie, and man promotes and continues it, even to the point of enhancing it to his advantage or convenience.


Speaking lies, pseudologos, means the purveyor of deceit, or lie-speakers. And again, Satan is the source, but humanity is the agent of his lies. And the result of all lies, or all false doctrines, or all false opinions, is the establishment of gangrene in the soul of the individual, 2 Tim 2:17-18.


Gangrene rots the soul from the inside out.So the rot when it is inside, is caused by the infection of false beliefs that reside within ones soul.


But there is one more concept here, and that is one of searing.


Not only do people who lack truth in their soul, have the opposite of truth in their soul, namely lies or false doctrines, then retaining that bad information or view point, unchecked by truth, causes them to seal up that falsity within themselves, such that it is seared within them.


Seared, kauteriazo, means to cauterize a wound, to seal it up so that nothing will escape, or get in.It is a medical term used for closing a cut or open wound with a hot iron. It not only keeps the inside stuff in, but it also keeps the outside stuff, out.


And in our case here, keeping the inside stuff in, means to keep the false doctrine inside the soul, and the truth out of the soul.That is the worst possible situation that anyone could get themselves into.


They have indoctrinated themselves so thoroughly with lies, that they cling to them, hold on to them, and in effect shut out all possible help from truth.They rot (symbolically speaking), from the inside of their soul.


Pharaoh is typically the example of this path to oblivion.He refused to hear Moses, ten times.In exodus, he is said to have hardened his heart through six of the plagues, that is the hardening or searing process of his soul, such that the scar tissue from the searing, sealed in his hate and defiance. Then it is God who hardened his heart for the final few plagues, which simply means that God kept him alive for the final plagues to emphasize that once a person crosses that maximum threshold of lies, then there is most likely no return.They cannot even rationalize within themselves that there is a threshold once they have crossed it.


The conscience, suneidesis, is the area within your soul that differentiates between that which is right from that which is wrong.


The conscience is the faculty that affirms or condemns an action, Rom 2:14-15. It is the sensitivity to right and wrong that controls behavior, Acts 23:1; 24:16; Rom 9:1; 2 Cor 1:12; 2 Tim 1:3. False teachers reject a good conscience, 1 Tim. 1:19.


The false teachers' consciences have been so ignored and misinformed that they have become like scar tissue burned senseless, which cease to function. With scarred consciences, they feel no guilt or remorse as they promote their false doctrines or ideas.



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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
