Copyright © 2009 J. Neely. All rights reserved.


You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

1 Thessalonians 5:20



Bible Study Notebook



20 Despise [exoutheneo] not [me] prophesyings. [propheteia] KJV-Interlinear



20 do not despise prophetic utterances. NASB



The word for prophesying, propheteia, certainly refers to one who speaks of future things to some extent, but it also refers primarily to an inspired speaker, or one who speaks of truths. And truth here refers to Bible doctrine, or the general content of the scriptures.


Our dispensation, the Church Age, does not have any prophecies within it, except the final event of our era which is the Rapture.In Corinthians, Paul states that everyone should prophesy, and therefore this refers to thinking in doctrine, not making predictions.


In Pauls day, there were also certain men who were given very specialized gifts.Some were referred to as speaking in tongues, which means languages not babbling, or the gift of healing, and similar gifts.


Those gifts were very specialized and they were, more important, very temporary and only specific to that initial generation of Christians. Those gifts do not exist today.


When we get to Corinthians, we will study the principle of the temporary gifts.


1 Cor. 14:1

Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy. NASB


1 Cor. 14:19

19 however, in the church I desire to speak five words with my mind, that I may instruct others also, rather than ten thousand words in a tongue. NASB


In these two verses, Paul states that it is far better for you to be able to speak doctrine, that ye may prophesy, than to speak ten-thousand (endless) words within the framework of a phony act, tongue.


Back in Pauls day, there were those who had gifts.Naturally it would be for some to envy or to desire those same gifts. However, God gave those gifts for the purpose of establishing credentials of the ministry of the Apostles and others, and not for their own personal gain or approbation.


Even today, you will see examples of tent evangelists, or television evangelists, or even some denominations that promote the idea of these special gifts. They go as far as incorporating them within their program in order to gain followers, to entertain, or to make money. Fundamental teaching of Bible doctrine takes a backseat, if it is even included at all.


But up-beat music shows and spectacular tricks and deceit, do not establish ones spiritual life or spiritual growth.Only doctrine in the soul, establishes and completes ones life.


Therefore, do not despise doctrine by either ignoring it, scoffing at it, or attempting to duplicate or re-invent it through some gimmick.


There is but one way to grow up in life, and that way is to learn doctrine, to understand it, to use it within your daily life, and to repeat this learning cycle (the cycle of wisdom), throughout your life.Gimmicks and magic formulas for elevating your life, may tweak the emotions at best, but they are false concepts.


There are no shortcuts to growing up.Just as a person has to learn to crawl, to walk, to speak, to read and write, to learn social skills and to learn responsibility in life, during the course of many, many years, so too, spiritual growth does not come to you during a summer camp outing.


The spiritual life is a life-long commitment and never ends.It is not for Sunday s or holidays only, or for when you happen to be in the mood.It does not stop when you go away to school, when you retire, when you are sick, or when you go on vacation. Your spiritual life should be your number one priority for every day of your life.


No exceptions.


God has a plan for your life.In Gods plan, phenomenal things await you, both for this life and the next. But that plan in which God gives you much, God expects much from you.That much, is your commitment to your spiritual life.

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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
