Copyright © 2009 J. Neely. All rights reserved.


You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

1 Thessalonians 2:4



4 But [alla] as [kathos] we were allowed [dokimazo] of [hupo] God [theos] to be put in trust [pisteuo] with the gospel, [euaggelion] even so [houto] we speak; [laleo] not [ou] as [hos] pleasing [aresko] men, [anthropos] but [alla] God, [theos] which trieth [dokimazo] our [hemon] hearts. [kardia] KJV-Interlinear



4 but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not as pleasing men but God, who examines our hearts. NASB



It is said that to whom much is given, much is expected.This concept has many applications, but the primary application is of course dealing with the spiritual life.


Much being given is, eternal life, blessings, spiritual growth, and so forth. Much being expected is, mans commitment to obedience to God through mans dedication to truth, to daily study and growth, to applying Gods mandates and principles to ones daily life and so forth.


This excludes deceit and gimmicks.


And, as this applies to instructors of the Word, this also applies to hearers of the word. In other words, the spiritual life and the consistency with which we approach it or function within it, means that we all must pursue it in truth, and not in selfish desire or convenience.


Paul was entrusted with the gospel and doctrine.He was entrusted by God, who is perfect and fair, and righteous and just.


Paul would have no right to compromise Gods high standards. Paul would have no right to tempt people into listening to his instruction in exchange for monetary gain, or in exchange for promises, or in exchange for wishes, or things that simply so not exist in the spiritual life.


For example, I could offer you all the promise to be the first to go into the Rapture, but of course you would have to follow my instructions to the letter, which could include purchasing your very own exclusive Rapture Robe, purchasing your very own exclusive Rapture Bible, by donating all of your money and property and daughters and so forth, to me.And, as dumb as all of that sounds, which of course it is, there will be some who would fall for the charade, hook, line, and sinker.


I could try to promise you forty acres and two mules, in heaven, or an estate larger than any earthly plantation, but of course that would have a price. Or, I could promote the study of promises, implying that if you only memorize certain verses and follow certain guidelines, then those promises will come true for you in no time at all, but of course that would come with a price tag.You would have to buy my book of promises and guidelines.


And before you get too confused from all of this, these things just mentioned do not exist. But there have been those in history who have started cults and clubs and organizations that have bilked people out of their life savings, and out of their life, with just such frauds.


Paul lived nearly thirty-five years with only the support from folks who believed in his efforts. With no promises, with no coercion, with no trickery, his ministry was blessed by God, because it was Gods plan that was being fulfilled, not Pauls.


Likewise, this Bible study is totally available online.And as long as it pleases God, or as long as there are those who will benefit from it, or as long as I am able to write, then this study will continue as it is. The donation page is purely voluntary, and intended only to compensate me for my work, if and only if you choose to do so.I most appreciate anything sent, however, donations are not a requirement, nor mandatory, nor contingent on getting the spiritual material that you need for improving and completing your life.


If God sees fit to remove me, or this study, then it will be for reasons of His choosing.


Paul taught doctrine.The doctrine taught was reviewed by God, and everything of truth was allowed, and anything which departed from truth, was not.


That same principle applies to both you and me.God the Holy Spirit (we studied this just a few lessons ago), makes all truth clear and perspicuous. He likewise makes all things not of truth, obvious and discernable.


So, if you pursue your spiritual life in a legitimate fashion, then all truth will be made clear and all untruth will also be made obvious. Your desire to get involved in the spiritual promotion of Bible doctrine will come to you sooner or later if you continue to grow, or not at all if that is your choice.


But know one thing, God promotes His Word, not man.God does not depend on human efforts, or human abilities, to get His Word to those who want it.However, man receives no credit for things he could have done, but did not.


Therefore, Bible study is a repetitive system of instruction, not a system for social or entertainment activities.Those who need to be entertained or awed all of the time, will never advance in their spiritual life. Those who demand proof or credentials, will never find their spiritual life. Those who deceive in order to have gains in life, will end up with nothing.


Truth stands on its own without any need for crutches for support. The Holy Spirit is the ultimate authority and His credentials are impeccable.


Anyone, and I repeat, anyone, who has a genuine desire to learn Bible doctrine, to them will be revealed the discernment between truth and lies, between legitimate instruction and gimmicks.


But to anyone who wants proof, who wants to be entertained, who wants truth to conform to their own predisposed beliefs, who wants to rewrite doctrine to fit their own lifestyle, and so forth, then discernment will not be allowed into their minds, because they do not want it.And to them, God allows blindness where sight is not desired.


God tests the heart, 1 Chron. 28:9, 29:17, Jer. 11:20, 17:10, Psa. 11:4, Rom. 8:27. When He discovers genuine desire, then nothing, repeat, nothing is withheld from that person.


You just have to decide on which side of the fence you are going to live your life.

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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
