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Truth Cries Out

John 12:44-45

44 [de] Jesus [Iesous] cried [krazo] and [kai] said [epo] , He that believeth [pisteuo] on [eis] me [eme] , believeth [pisteuo] not [ou] on [eis] me [eme] , but [alla] on [eis] him that sent [pempo] me [me] .
45 And [kai] he that seeth [theoreo] me [eme] seeth [theoreo] him that sent [pempo] me [me] . KJV-Interlinear

44 And Jesus cried out and said, 'He who believes in Me does not believe in Me, but in Him who sent Me. 45 'And he who beholds Me beholds the One who sent Me. NASB

We studied the relationship between Christ and God the Father in our study of John chapter 5 quite some time ago. That is really a very good chapter which explains the difference between Christianity and all other religions, by means of explanation of the relationship which exists between the Father and the Son.

Here we have yet another explanation to those who happen to be within hearing distance of Jesus.

Now remember that the crowd is an argumentative group. 'Where is this Son of Man?' Note the emphasis of their question on 'man' rather than 'Son of God.'

The problem with most religions in the world is that they recognize a higher form of deity or super existence of some type, but they reject the avenue of approach to God as defined by the Bible. We know the path to God is through the Son, Jesus Christ.

'But,' you say, 'I thought that Jesus Christ was God. So what does the Father have anything to do with all of this?' And that is a technical distinction which makes Christianity different from all other philosophies and beliefs.

Christianity is a relationship with God (the Father) through Jesus Christ. All other religions try to define their relationship with God from a direct path to the Father by means of some form of mans elevating himself to Gods level and by means of mans own efforts. Gods say in the matter is ignored. Religion ignores Gods opinion and man defines his own place and use for God.

So here Jesus clarifies, for those who think in this way, His position and relationship to God, and their (the peoples) place and relationship with God, but by going through Him, Jesus Christ.

Briefly, there is but one God (Gods). This is a plural word which signifies the Father, Son, and Spirit. God (the Father) has set up a plan (the divine decrees) by which man can attain a relationship with God (the ultimate and highest point - the Father. This plan was agreed to by the Son and the Spirit. All are God. None are greater than the other two. They are all three, co-equal, co-eternal, and co-infinite. They all three have the same attributes, the same characteristics, the same essence.

So why the distinction between them? Jesus here states that when we look and see Him (Jesus Christ), then we are in effect seeing the Father as well. When we believe in Christ we believe in the Father as well. When we have a relationship with the Son (Christ) then we have a relationship with the Father as well. This all applies with the Holy Spirit as well. But the Holy Spirit is not in this particular discussion.

Why the discussion? Because Judaism looks past the Son, whom they rejected by the practice of their tradition and religious regulations, and sought to gain a relationship directly with the Father. Islam in effect does this same thing, but in Islam they try to bring a substitute Christ by the name of Mohammed, as their means of access to the Father whom they simply named Allah. A cute little switch of personalities, but false regardless of how you look at it.

If you take a quick look at history, then you'll discover the relationships that the four great organized religions of the world take their lead from what the Bible had already taught before they came into existence. Now remember that Satan is the father of all lies, so Satan is really the founder of all religion.

Hinduism came on the scene first, just after the time of Abraham. Abraham was credited with Gods righteousness by faith. Hinduism offered faith in the concept of reincarnation to better and better lives until one finally advanced to the ultimate and highest level which was that of God. In this belief everyone is God, we just have to keep reliving our lives, earning good karma's so we can advance to higher levels in the next life and finally attain that ultimate goal of being God. This religion rejects just about everything in Genesis.

Buddhism then came along after David, where the dynasty of Christ was declared. Buddhism generally rejects the idea of a god, presenting the idea that nature or the universe is god. They believe that one can follow an eight step plan to purge all desires from ones being, and once you have done that, then you will become one with the universe. 'The force be with you,' sort of thing.

Then we have Judaism which begins with the scriptures, but gets side tracked with mans works programs. They took the rituals which God gave Moses, and added to them. Well if one ritual is good, then ten rituals are better. So the teaching objectives of the rituals of the Bible were changed to not teaching the principles of the savior, salvation, fellowship and the spiritual life, but taught instead that all one had to do to be saved, was to follow all of these rules, which became numerous into the thousands. People became burdened with thousands of rules that regulated their lives, and distorted truth.

Then Christianity took off so well that Satan needed a competitive religion to distract people. So along, about the seventh century (early 600's AD), came Islam and an alternate prophet and path the God.

Certainly there were many other faiths which worshipped idols and various gods of sorts, but these were generally disorganized faiths which changed from region to region. The four world wide and great organized religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam. Each which have a billion or so followers in our current day. The rest of the cults and other so called religions are just more false beliefs thrown into the mix for distracting people.

Now our ultimate target of faith is the Father. Most religions claim this. But God the Father knowing this, and knowing that, man in sin, has to pay for that sin, but man is incapable of making that payment. So a substitute paid the price of sin in our place, God the Son (Jesus Christ). Most religions reject the need for paying off sins, or they presume that man can just be good and earn his way back to perfection.

God sets up a plan to counter mans arrogance and self attempts to approach God. God (the Father) defined a plan whereby man must approach Him (the Father) through another member of the Godhead, the Son. So the Father says in effect (study of John 5) that do not look directly to Me (the Father), for the path to Me (the Father) can only be attained by going through the Son (Jesus Christ). If you reject the plan, then you reject the Father. For we are obligated to respect and honor His wishes, and not try to impose our own will on God.

So now we get to what Jesus says. If we look to Him (the Son, Jesus Christ), then we are also looking at the Father. If we believe in Him (the Son), then we likewise believe in the Father. If we approach the Son (Jesus Christ) in the proper way, then we also approach the Father. For whatever the Son allows, the Father accepts. That is the plan for our spiritual life and relationship with God (all of them). Hummm! Maybe we should have test on this!!

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