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You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

Job 33:31-33



31 Mark well [qashab], O Job ['Iyowb], hearken [shama`] unto me: hold thy peace [charash], and I will speak [dabar].

32 If thou hast [yesh] any thing to say [millah], answer [shuwb] me: speak [dabar], for I desire [chaphets] to justify [tsadaq] thee.

33 If not, hearken [shama`] unto me: hold thy peace [charash], and I shall teach ['alph] thee wisdom [chokmah]. KJV-Interlinear



31 'Pay attention, O Job, listen to me; Keep silent and let me speak. 32 'Then if you have anything to say, answer me; Speak, for I desire to justify you. 33 'If not, listen to me; Keep silent, and I will teach you wisdom.' NASB



Of all of the chapters in the Old Testament, this chapter is perhaps the most revealing as to just how folks in the Old Testament understood the concept of salvation.


According to Elihu, a much younger man than those elders present, and therefore from a younger generation, much younger than the older generations from the time of Noah. It is from his own mouth that we learn of his understanding of salvation and of the role of God, all three members of the Trinity, with respect to mans relationship with Him.


He referenced to being in the spirit, and from that venue only, truth can be expressed. The state of fellowship is one which is under the control of the Holy Spirit. And that state once one has been saved, is attained and maintained through confession.


Job offered confessional sacrifices for himself and his family way back in the first chapters of this book.


Job himself, referenced to God as His redeemer, his advocate, being both equal with himself, a man, and equal with God as advocate (the Son), making intercession with God (the Father).


Elihu referred to mans hearing the message of truth, from a unique messenger (the Son), which after hearing that message and believing in it, the man will be made anew with skin younger than that of a child, being born all over again into the spiritual realm, from which he could then have a relationship with God (all three members of the Trinity).


That once born anew, could clean himself up over and over, again and again through confession, in which God would redeem (forgive) mans flaws and restore His (Gods) righteousness to man, thus restoring mans access to God.


Elihu and Job alike, both refer to multiple roles within the Godhead. Roles, which we have come to know from our later New Testament books as salvation, fellowship and the functions within our spiritual life.


Now Elihu, still with great respect, asks Job for his silence, so that he can continue his discourse of truth (wisdom). He allows a pause such that Job as well as the others present could challenge his comments, but is met with silence.


It is that silence, which speaks the loudest among all present, in that they all agree with Elihu's descriptions and his understanding of doctrine.

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End Of Lesson

Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.

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