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Psalm 38:19


Beginning January 1, 2016,
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19 But mine enemies ['oyeb] are lively [chay], and they are strong [`atsam]: and they that hate [sane'] me wrongfully [sheqer] are multiplied [rabab].   KJV-Interlinear


19 But my foes are vigorous, they are mighty, and many are those who hate me wrongfully.  ESV

The immediate result in your life, when you pursue a legitimate spiritual life through Christ, is that all the world becomes your enemy. Or better stated, you become the enemy of the world.

Satan runs the world right now. And his primary objective, is to see that you fail in your spiritual life.

So when you turn to Christ, and are saved, you are an immediate enemy. But more than that, when you turn to doctrine and attempt to develop your spiritual life, then your enemies are magnified.

Enemies are lively, meaning they are active around the clock and throughout your life.

Enemies are strong, meaning they have far more worldly resources than you have.

And the worlds hate for you, is wrong, but it is multiplied by the magnitude of Satan’s effort and influence in this entire world.

These studies are a part of the massive daily study web site at DailyBibeStudy.Org, and are written, so that you can come to Christ if you have not done so already, and therefore not be lost forever.

And if you have already believed in Christ, then these studies are written so you can learn and understand and grow in your spiritual life, so that you can come to the full knowledge of Christ, so that you can fulfill your meaning and purpose in life as God intended for you, and so you can qualify for a phenomenal eternal reward which you will have forever. To ignore this opportunity to pursue a daily study means you will be incomplete, unfulfilled and you will lose out, big time.

The Daily Bible Study is online, making it possible as never before in all of human history, to advance in ones relationship with God, through Christ, and to complete yourself beyond your imagination.

But you have to decide to make that commitment. No one else can study for you. You have to do that yourself.

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End Of Lesson

Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.

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