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Why Christianity



Since the beginning of human history, man has looked beyond himself or heavenward, for something better than anything he already has here in this world.


The search for eternal life, for a higher plane of existence, for something giving oneself more meaning and purpose, has been the pursuit of humanity since the beginning of time.


And is it any wonder?  Just look around, and you’ll see hardship and suffering, stress and despair, and the promise of nothing but more of the same in this life.


Looking around you will find yourself inundated with opinion after opinion, religion after religion, and philosophy after philosophy.


And to make matters worse, they all seem to be contradictory, confusing and impossible to sort out.


Why is this? 


Well the easy answer is that there once was a God in heaven, who created angels.  These angels lived with God until one day they became arrogant.  One angel, Lucifer, in particular raised a rebellion against God and tried to overthrow God.


It did not work. He was arrested and tried for his crimes, found guilty and sentenced to eternal condemnation and separation from God.


This, would be rebel, Lucifer now known as Satan, appealed his conviction and implied in his arguments that his trial and sentencing was unjust, so God allowed his appeal to unfold concurrently with human history.


And thus the conflict which was between God and good, and Satan and evil spread to humanity.


Gods objective?  To prove that He, God, was completely fair and just in His dealings with evil.  Also to prove that Gods policies are better for all of creation, than the policies of Satan.


Satan’s objective was to prove God wrong, to discredit God, and thus to replace God with himself.


On Gods side is truth.


On Satan’s side is deceit and lies.  For one cannot destroy truth unless you replace it with lies and convince everyone that the lies are in fact truth.


And so God released to humanity, His policies of truth. And Satan released to humanity everything that is counter to truth, including lies, deceit, confusion, obscurity, and even including bits and pieces of truth within the volumes of lies and lusts that come from evil.


So, how do we sort it all out?


Well that is easier than you can realize.  Simply place Christianity in one corner and all of the rest of the religions, cults, philosophies and so forth in the opposite corner.


Christianity promotes a solution for humanity through one savior, named Jesus Christ.


All of the other religions, cults, philosophies and so forth have one thing in common – they all reject Jesus Christ.


Also, all of the other religions, cults, philosophies and so forth have a second thing in common, and that is that they all present the idea that man by mans efforts can accomplish his own destiny, his own maturity, his own advancement to some higher level of existence.


And the fundamental principle of Christianity is that man cannot raise himself up to any higher level than he is at already.  That only God can raise man up out of the doom and gloom of his predicaments, and that only God can and does accomplish this in behalf of mankind.


The Bible presents a picture of God, who is perfect and just. 


Man is imperfect and unjust.


In order for man to raise himself up to a level of perfection, then he must first eliminate his imperfections out of his essence.


Hinduism began many centuries before the birth of Christ.  Buddhism became an offshoot of Hinduism.  Judaism along with the first two sought to lift man up by means of some form of living experience.  Judaism looked to Gods approval by means of mans efforts.  Hinduism and Buddhism looked to mans efforts to elevate himself above this life, into succeeding lives until some form of perfection was reached.


The pagan gods mixed confrontation, sex, power and such in order to advance ones self into a better placement in life.


Todays cults look to fulfill ones satisfaction in life by means of the sinful desires and needs of humanity.  And philosophies like technology or science, foresee a better life through discovery and invention.


Whether you are pursuing nature or science, human dignity or some well organized theology, although all of these things have many differences among them, they all have those two same things in common – the idea that man can advance or solve his problems by means of mans efforts, and second, they all ignore or reject Jesus Christ.


This makes Christianity stand out from all of the rest, and makes it easy for people to begin their search for answers, in Christianity, rather than wasting their time and wasting their lives, analyzing hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of opinions that ultimately will lead you to one dead end after another.


Life is a serious business for you.  Once you have been born into this world, you have only one thing to look forward to, and that is your eventual death.  What then?


If you choose any one of the other philosophies, then you will lose, and you will never get the answers you seek.


If you choose Christianity by believing in Jesus Christ, then you will advance yourself to the most phenomenal victory in life, even one beyond anything you can imagine, and you will find all of the answers you seek.


To enter the Christina life you need only say in your own mind, ‘Father, I believe in Jesus Christ.’  The Father is God the Father to whom all prayers are addressed.


Saying or thinking these six little words won’t harm you one little bit, will take you only a second to think them, and will become the single greatest decision you will ever make in all of your life.

Fundamental Principles of Christianity
1) One God – refers to the essence of God (omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, veracity, love, righteousness, justice, sovereignty, immutable, eternal life)

2) Three separate persons of the Godhead – Father, Son, Spirit
1. Father – Author of the divine plan
1. Counters all false deities

2. Son – Jesus Christ
1. Title of the second person of the trinity;
2. Executes the divine plan
3. Focus of the divine plan
4. Savior, Messiah
5. Counters all alternative paths to God

3. Spirit – communicates and sustains the divine plan
1. Counters all powers of the energy of the flesh (works)
2. Sustaining power of the spiritual life
3. Sustaining power functions for the believer while the believer is in fellowship

3) Three components of the believer – body, soul, spirit
1. Body is the home of biological life
2. Soul is the home of human life
3. Spirit is the home of eternal life – created at the moment of faith in Christ

4) Two components of the unbeliever
2. Soul
3. Unbeliever (non-Christian) has no functioning spiritual life

Spiritual Life
5) Salvation – Faith in Jesus Christ who is the Son of God; Father I believe in Jesus Christ
1. Referred to as a believer, believer in Christ, Christian, born again

6) Rebirth – (born again) creation of the human spirit inside the person, at the moment he believes in Christ

Spiritual Process
7) Fellowship – the spiritual environment within which the spiritual life functions (believers only)
1. All spiritual activity and function must be while in fellowship
2. In Fellowship - fellowship acquired or recovered by means of confession to God the Father; (Father I did this and that)
3. Out of Fellowship - fellowship lost when a sin is committed.
4. Most Christians fail here – they do not confess regularly

8) Spiritual food – Bible doctrine (the content of the scriptures), consumed daily by means of daily study
1. Foundation material for the construction of the content structure of the Soul (temple, mansion, fortress)

9) Learning through instruction – Daily Bible study
1. Mandated requirement for spiritual function and growth
2. Memorization of verses (helps focus and concentration)
3. Most Christians fail here – they do not seek or pursue learning through instruction

10) Understanding – acquired from learning; the ability to discern and differentiate between truth and false

11) Application – Production of the spiritual life (gold, silver, precious stones)
1. Use of doctrine in ones daily life;
2. Production of the spiritual life; (what you do while in fellowship)
3. Responsibilities and obligations toward God
4. Responsibilities and obligations toward self
5. Responsibilities and obligations toward family
6. Responsibilities and obligations toward others

7. Prayer
1. All prayer is directed to God the Father (never to angels, mary, saints, rocks, planets, animals, nature, etc., etc., etc)
2. All prayer is submitted in the name of Christ
3. All prayer is offered while in fellowship

12) Wisdom – Developed from the function of all of the above

13) Faith – Spiritual muscle; spiritual power; confidence from knowledge and wisdom

14) Spiritual maturity – the objective of the spiritual life
1. Relaxed mental attitude
2. Maximum confidence
3. Perpetual state of Sabbath (Gods rest) within the soul
4. Qualification for maximum reward for eternity

prayer wall
Now is the time to post a prayer.

End Of Lesson

Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.

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