![]() To receive notice of each days Bible Study, https://twitter.com/jneelyranch Humor Cute Humor (from various sources online) 55 Fifty-Fifty At a local Burger Cafe an elderly couple came in and ordered one burger, one order of fries and one coke with two glasses. When they got to their booth, the man placed a napkin in front of himself and one in front of his wife, then proceeded to divide the fries, cut the burger in half and divided the coke equally. A gentleman nearby noticed and offered to buy them another burger, fries and Coke. The woman then said, "No you don't understand. We've been married over 50 years and all our life we agreed to split everything right down the middle." Her husband then began eating, as she sat with her hands in her lap. The gentleman nearby noticed and asked the lady why she wasn't eating. She replied, "As I said before, we split everything right down the middle, and it's his day to use the teeth first." Have a good quip or joke, in good taste, send it to me and I will add it for all to read.
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