You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.
Psalm 19:9
9 The fear
[yir'ah] of the LORD [Yahovah] is
clean, [tahowr] enduring [`amad] for ever: [`ad] the
judgments [mishpat] of the LORD [Yahovah] are true ['emeth] and
righteous [tsadaq] altogether. [yachad] KJV-Interlinear
9 The fear
of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the Lord are true;
they are righteous altogether. NASB
Fear, 'yirah,' means fear, terror, awe, reverence. It is the attitude that one demonstrates toward something that is far above and beyond oneself.
Clean, 'tahowr,' means pure, without defect, without flaw, morally and ceremonially purified.
Enduring, 'amad,' means established without need for re-establishment.
And so the fear or awesome respect that is proper and necessary from man toward God, is something that is based in truth, is absent of self-righteousness or sin or defect or corruption in any form. And it endures or is established forever.
It is not something that needs to be set and re-set. It is not something that will ever pass away. Even as our current universe will one day pass away, but not of its own accord, but by means of the active will of God, that passing and re-creation of an entire universe will not impact truth, or our attitude toward God, or our knowledge or understanding within us. Those components of our essence are established firmly and will never leave us, which simply means that we as believers will never be destroyed.
Judgments, 'mishpat,' means decisions or verdicts that are arrived at by means of judicial means.
True, 'emeth,' means right, correct, legitimately accurate, stable, certain.
Righteous, 'tsadaq,' to cleanse, just, clean, perfect.
Altogether, 'yachad,' means together as one unit, inseparable, not independent of each other.
And so the judgments of God are true and correct, not arbitrary, not frivolous, but are based on strong and accurate and overwhelming evidence. His decisions are certain and not subject to question. They are perfect and consistent since the beginning of time and prior, and forever into the future.
God does not have one policy for one period of history, and another policy or set of decisions for another period of history. God treats every person throughout history, exactly the same. God treats every event with the same consistency.
God is never biased, never random. God does what God does based on that consistent and rational plan, which plan was established in eternity past, and God has never wavered from that plan.
God knows all that will happen, and when it will happen, and God deals with every event and person with complete fairness and objectivity and consistency.
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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.