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Leviticus Introduction and Outline
Lesson # Leviticus Introduction, Outline
Study Material - Leviticus, book introduction and outline
You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.
Leviticus Introduction
Ugh. Leviticus. Most people, when they read the Bible, skip through here because of the seemingly monotonous record given. Yet the basis of all worship is provided in this book. The work of Christ on the Cross, the function of fellowship, of spirituality in the life, of the arresting of sin and so forth. But most important is the training of ones self in a consistent program of Bible study.
Leviticus is the book of approach, approach to God. How can we as little nothing humans, approach the ultimate perfection and power of all of creation? Do we pick and choose how we approach God? Do we decide from our own imagination and invention just what God wants and needs from us?
Well the answer to that is of course, no. God is perfect and perfection can have nothing to do with imperfection, not directly anyway. So God set up a means and procedure by which imperfect man can regain a relationship with God, but man has to follow Gods rules explicitly and without deviation.
If man tries to make an end run around Gods rules, then man in his arrogance is cut off. God rejects that which is not in compliance with His own rules. His rules are perfect and without flaw. They are fair to everyone.
Man, on the other hand can only come up with rules which serve the convenient purpose of some and not all. Thus our many religions of the world, our many philosophies of the world.
In order to cancel them all out, God set up a plan by which man must approach God through only one intermediary, His Son, Jesus Christ. And by means of a special fellowship sphere wherein God recognizes us as pure (the function of righteousness) and clean (the function of justice).
Apart from this method of approach, there is no access to God.
In the close of the previous book, the tabernacle was set up, which was to be the place of worship, the picture of Christ resident in the world, the picture of Christ resident in the soul. That (the tabernacle) was framed according to a pattern, so must the ordinances of worship be established in accordance with a pattern, and the ordinances of worship must also be administered in accordance with a pattern. In these, the divine appointment of law was as particular in its function as the articles and use of the tabernacle, and must be as punctually observed.
Though Moses wrote these words, thousands of years after Adam. The instructions regarding sacrifices, were available to Adam and every generation since him. Adam knew of the rules and requirements of sacrifice. Cain rejected them. Enoch was a great Bible doctrine teacher. So was Eber, and the generation of Abraham and many more great people who embraced Bible study.
Don't think for a minute that these instructions were new, or not available to those prior to Moses. What new things that come from this book is the authorization of the Levitical Priesthood and the schedule of feasts and sacred days. Prior to this time the husband was the family priest and acted in behalf of the family. The sacred days concept was still available but not on such a scheduled and formal basis.
Our sacred days should really be celebrated on a moment by moment basis from within our soul, but these Israelites were becoming a stubborn group. They resisted Bible teaching. They resisted paying for support of the church. They resisted charitable giving. They resisted almost everything, and legalized in their own minds their own form of manufactured worship and interpretation of Gods Word. So God had His words put down in writing to make His point clear despite every ones attempts to dilute their meaning.
Leviticus Outline
I. How one comes to God. 1:1-16:34.
A. The laws of sacrifice. 1:1-7:38.
1. The general rules. 1:1-6:7.
a. Introduction. 1:1,2.
b. Burnt offerings. 1:3-17.
c. Meal offerings. 2.
d. Peace offerings. 3.
e. Sin offerings. 4:1-5:13.
2. More specific rules about these offerings. 6:8-7:38.
B. The testimony of history. 8:1-10:20.
1. Inauguration of the offerings. 8.
2. When first offered. 9.
3. The misuse of offerings (Nadab and Abihu). 10.
C. The laws of purity. 11:1-15:33.
1. What may be eaten or touched. 11.
2. Childbirth. 12.
3. Leprosy. 13-14.
4. Sexual purity. 15.
D. The Day of Atonement. 16.
II. How one keeps in touch with God. 17:1-27:34.
A. The holiness of the people. 17:1-20:27.
1. Concerning food. 17.
2. Concerning marriage. 18.
3. Concerning the social order. 19.
4. The punishments for disobedience. 20.
B. The holiness of priests and their offerings. 21-22.
C. The holiness of time. 23:1-25:55.
1. The holy use of days. 23.
2. The holy use of objects. 24.
3. The holy use of years. 25.
D. Promises and warnings. 26.
E. The making of vows. 27.
Now is the time to post a prayer.
End Of Lesson
Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
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