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Josh. 1:1

Lesson # Josh. 1:1
Study Material - Josh. 1:1

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Josh. 1:1

1 Now it came about after the death of Moses the servant of the LORD that the LORD spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' servant, saying,

The time has come for the change of administrations and power. Moses is now dead and removed from this earth, to Paradise, one of the four compartments in the underworld. The place where all saved people, from the Old Testament, went when they died. It was the tradition of mourning for 30 days. After the loss of a one loved, and Moses was certainly that, there is certain to be a period of grieving. Moses had led the Israelites for 40 years and now he was gone. People had looked to Moses and though they might not have realized it, they grew to depend on his leadership, if even in a subtle way.

Moses was now gone and there was a void, and emptiness, that existed in the hearts of the people. While they were in mourning, they would not have clear thinking abilities. Granted some would grieve to a greater degree than others. But time cures all pains, and doctrine of course. We are all human, and we are susceptible to human weaknesses. We are anxious when and event is about to occur, a wedding, a new job, a first date and so forth. We are in grief when a loss suddenly occurs. Sometimes we expect it, and sometimes it comes on us suddenly and unexpectedly. Either way we can be expected to react almost immediately with our emotions in one way or another. But we need to be able to think through the process and regroup in our own individual souls, so we can move on with the tasks that lay before us. If you are in a position of authority, then you have those under your command who depend on the clarity of your thinking. If you fall apart emotionally, begin blaming or searching for someone to blame, then your leadership is worthless. You cannot undo what has already occurred. So the first order of business is to assess your situation and rally your resources to continue or stabilize your situation.

Joshua was now the leader of a displaced nation of approximately two million people. A generation who had lived in the desert for the last 40 years, had not planted even one crop, and had depended on God for their entire support. A nation who grew accustomed to the leadership of Moses and now would or might grow hesitant at the new leadership of Joshua.

Now God speaks to Joshua and reminds him that God is the true leader, that though people will come and go, God will remain forever, His administration will never change. Moses was looked on as a leader, by the people, but Moses was no more than a servant of God, just as Joshua is, or any of us are. We are all servants of God whether we realize it or not, whether we accept it or not. All that we have and are is due to God, and we owe God for all of that. Do not feel taken advantage of or depressed if you are handicapped in some way, whether financially, physically, mentally, or in some other way. You still have a great deal of debt owing to God and you have no way of repaying it.

Joshua was not superhuman, but a mere man, the son of Nun, and placed in the leadership role over Israel. Though man has extraordinary tasks placed upon him, God is really the leader. Any person could have been placed in this role, and regardless of his ability, will either succeed or fail depending on his attitude toward God. History has seen many called to the role of leadership of a nation. Few have met that call from the perspective of Bible doctrine. The vast majority of the leaders in history have failed, but despite their historical results, Gods plan rolls right on without skipping a beat.

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End Of Lesson

Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.

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