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Job 36:27-29



27 For he maketh small [gara`] the drops [nataph] of water [mayim]: they pour down [zaqaq] rain [matar] according to the vapour ['ed] thereof:

28 Which the clouds [shachaq] do drop [nazal] and distil [ra`aph] upon man ['adam] abundantly [rab].

29 Also can any understand [biyn] the spreadings [miphras] of the clouds [`ab], or the noise [tashu'ah] of his tabernacle [cukkah]? KJV-Interlinear



27 'For He draws up the drops of water, They distill rain from the mist, 28 Which the clouds pour down, They drip upon man abundantly. 29 'Can anyone understand the spreading of the clouds, The thundering of His pavilion? NASB



The greatness of God is beyond comprehension. That is the purpose of Elihu's comments here. Though he most probably did not know the principles behind evaporation, condensation, and rain, Elihu certainly attributed the rain process to Gods power and will.


And by the way, even though we know all of these scientific things today, that does not take away from God, or His role in inventing, designing and creating the rain processes.


Even today, we are still learning about the rains and its cooling and cleansing process for this planet. And yet we still cannot figure out the weather trends and patterns from day to day or decade to decade.


Today, if Elihu were making this speech, he would no doubt be referring to Gods hand in the design of genetics and electrons, of the many things we have discovered that have allowed us to invent all of the many things we take for granted, and of which our grand-parents would be in awe.


One wonders if all of this high tech will one day be so common, if it isn't already, that the next generations of folks will grow up totally desensitized to anything new, or to the complexities of things in life.


One wonders if that will be the undoing of Christianity in our dispensation. That, combined with the many pressures that we are faced with in life, like just being able to make a living.


In Elihu's day, the function of the rains was an amazement. What is it that amazes folks today? With the attitude that everything has a logical and natural explanation, God can easily be pushed back and out of our lives.


When we studied Revelation 7, recall that God ordered the four angels to hold back the four winds. Winds typically are symbolisms for history - the power of God vs. the powers of mans will.


So, recognizing God and His role in life, nature and its role in life, dispensations and their role in history, mans innovation and mans role in life, and on and on and on, it is a wonder that people have great difficulty in figuring out life.


But then, that is why we have our Bible study everyday. Right?

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End Of Lesson

Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.

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