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Job 15:21



21 A dreadful [pachad] sound [qowl] is in his ears ['ozen]: in prosperity [shalowm] the destroyer [shadad] shall come [bow'] upon him. KJV-Interlinear



21 'Sounds of terror are in his ears, While at peace the destroyer comes upon him. NASB



Anyone who is negative toward God, chooses by default, the jungle environment complete with all of its temporary and limited lifestyles.


They know of death and the inevitable end of their life, but they disregard it. They put it out of their mind and make their immediate life pursuits their priority. Death and dealing with it, can wait for another day.


The dreadful sounds, which come into the ears of the spiritually negative person, are all of the sights and sounds, and activities of the jungle, of life without God in it.


The negative person is aware of his choices in life. He is aware of the limits available to him. He is aware of all of the repercussions of his thoughts and decisions and actions in life. But he simply ignores them all.


Life now, life that can be felt, tasted, sensed in so many ways, now, is more real to the spiritually negative person, than everything that cannot be measured, especially spiritual phenomena.


And so the spiritually negative person will set his priorities on the now, on the tangible, on things which he can measure, or accumulate, or feel, as it were.


And his life becomes wrapped up in the temporal world.


His prosperity, his pursuit after his pleasures, his happiness, his lusts whatever they might be, become the center of his lifestyle, and he sooner or later in life, becomes distracted and separated from God and truth.


His new truth can be his immediate life, it can be some other substitute religion or system of belief, it can be virtually anything except the real truths of life. He may even call himself a realist.


And then the real truth suddenly strikes home. The negative person either suffers some horrendous disaster or he might even die.


Jesus Christ controls history. Mans imaginations, mans pretenses, mans substituted beliefs, do not.


No matter what you think might be popular in life, when it excludes God, it is no better than a lie.


Just because lightning does not strike you immediately when you fade away from God, does not means that God has forgotten about you. He is simply allowing you lots of loose rope with which to hang yourself.


Even those who live their life for decades, or even all of their entire life, outside of God, will not escape the inevitable.

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End Of Lesson

Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.

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