You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.
Job 6:4
4 For the arrows [chets] of the Almighty [Shadday]
are within [`immad] me, the poison [chemah] whereof drinketh up [shathah] my spirit [ruwach]: the terrors [bi`uwthiym] of God ['elowahh] do set
themselves in array [`arak] against me. KJV-Interlinear
4 'For the arrows of the Almighty are within me; Their poison
my spirit drinks; The terrors of God are arrayed against me. NASB
entire Bible, from the books of Genesis to Revelation, has but one
subject. That subject is the promised
Savior, the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
entire Bible, from the books of Genesis to Revelation, is one long series of
parables teaching us spiritual principles using the experiences of folks in
this world.
people generally live their lives outside of the fellowship sphere, then
spiritual information is virtually useless to them. The things of the spirit
are foolishness to the carnal man. So
God teaches by means of parables, using
the activities of the world, which we can relate to, to teach spiritual
is a real person, for certain, but the book of Job is not about Job per se, it
is about the sufferings of Christ specifically and the sufferings that we as
growing believers in Christ, may very well endure, in lesser varying degrees,
during our life.
Job is a type of Christ. Job complained
of his sufferings of the soul more so than his physical sufferings. Jesus declared the depth of the trouble that
was placed on His soul, John 12:27, Matt. 26:38, due to His being forsaken by
the Father, Matt. 27:46.
course we know the reason of His being forsaken, was for the benefit of
humanity in His sacrifice on the Cross.
so Job teaches us some of the depths of Christ's sufferings, through his own
experiences. And though he most likely
did not realize it at the time, he was held in high honor by heaven, by being
given the opportunity to teach us these lessons.
was hurting for certain. He was in agony
throughout his body, but his greatest pain was in his mind. If you re-read the
description of Jobs suffering from chapter two, and then consider that, he is
still able to articulate his complaints.
That in itself is remarkable.
of us, when we are really puking dog sick, just want to roll over in bed and
sleep until everything gets better.
Carrying on conversations is the last thing on our minds.
mind is remarkably still pretty sharp, given his condition.
feels the arrows of the Almighty. Not so
much the pain and suffering from the disease, or from his financial losses, or
from the grieving over the loss of his children, or from the humility of his
present condition. Anyone of these
would be enough to cause all of us to fall apart. But his biggest pain is due to the arrows, which
penetrate deep into his very own soul.
think that the God, whom he loved with all of his heart, and served for his
entire life, had brought all this misery upon him and laid him bare before his
contemporaries, and before the bulk of all of human history.
so his overwhelming question is, 'Why?'
has many weapons with which to do His battles.
The fiery darts of Satan are also Gods arrows. There is but one defense against them, and
that defense is faith.
can be obtained in only one way. Daily
study of the Word of God produces learning, application of that learning
produces understanding. Feedback and
repetition of this process produces wisdom.
And all of these produce faith.
who invented and designed the soul, has the ability to reach deep inside the
soul and disturb it to the point of giving it sight from the light of learning,
or blindness from the darkness of destruction.
in the thoughts, are the most powerful of all the many types of suffering
fiery arrows are filled with poisons, which can reach deep inside the thoughts
to cause self-destruction. And so these
terrors of God, or better stated, this state of terror when one is without God
in their life, will array themselves like an enemy army, surrounding its victim
for its final destructive battle.
God, without Christ, without doctrine, and therefore without faith, no one can
stand up against this kind of assault.
Christ went to the Cross with the greatest assault in all of creation, arrayed
against Him. He did not use His powers
of deity to defend Himself, but relied upon His faith to sustain and maintain
Himself, knowing that the Father would recover Him back into life, fulfilling
His promise from the divine plan.
by grace alone, you are given the opportunity to become a spiritual hero, and
receive blessings beyond imagination for all of eternity.
can either seize hold of this opportunity, or ignore it.
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Now is the time to post a prayer.
End Of Lesson
Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.