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Isa. 66:21



21 And I will also take [laqach] of them for priests [kohen] and for Levites [Leviyiy], saith ['amar] the LORD [Yahovah]. KJV-Interlinear



21 I will also take some of them for priests and for Levites, says the LORD. NASB

The biggest blow to the ego s of the Priests, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the scribes of Jesus day, was this promise from God, through Isaiah, that when the Kingdom of God is set up here on this earth, for the Millennium, then from the recovered mature believers worldwide, out from the gentiles, the Messiah would select new priests and new Levites.

The new government of the Millennium was not going to be Jewish only, but one made up of all peoples, both Jew and gentile.

This is further proof that the true people of God are not restricted to genetic descendents of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, but Gods people are those who believe in His Son.

Gods Kingdom is a spiritual one, not a genetic one.

Abraham changed his mind and crossed over the river, obeying the command of God, becoming known as a Hebrew. Jacobs name was changed to Israel, in obedience to God. This name change also came from God.

Though the people of Judah became known as Jews, this name change came not from God, but from their location in a region that had long been disobedient toward God.

In Moses day, the Levites were given privilege along with responsibility. They kept the privilege, and eventually abused their responsibility to God, in the teaching the scriptures. In fact, their privilege of position and rank became more important to them than their responsibility to the general public.

They even went further, and organized rules and regulations external from the scriptures, and made these their core spiritual beliefs. They called it Judaism.

We see a lot of this today among politicians, who are more interested in their position rather than their responsibility to their constituents.

The Levites were restricted to those who were descendents of Levi. That should only seem obvious. But priests are those who represent God to man. They are an intermediary. They are those who owe their first allegiance to God. The one of whom they represent. They should be dedicated to Gods policies, and not their own.

The Israelites lost this understanding somewhere along the way. And in their stubbornness, they rejected Gods policies, including His chosen Messiah, and kept on rejecting Christ, for a very long time. For centuries in fact.

Even when Jesus came in His First Advent, there was still a belief that only Jews would be a part of His coming kingdom.

The apostles and all of the early disciples were Jewish. That is until Paul came onto the scene. Then the Gentiles were brought into the picture, as they should have been even long before the First Advent.

The Jewish people should have understood this from the story of Adam and Eve. They were not descendants of Abraham. They should have understood this from the story of Noah, from the story of Job, from the story of Ruth, and from the story of Rahab. None of these were Israelites, and yet they played an important role in the scriptures.

Isaiah, tells the world straight out, that in Gods Kingdom, which is yet still to come, the priests, even the Levites or others that will work in the New Kingdom Temple, will be selected by God Himself, from out of those mature believing gentiles.

No one is excluded from Gods Kingdom, simply because of their genetic ancestry.

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End Of Lesson

Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.

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