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Isa. 65:24



24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call [qara'], I will answer [`anah]; and while they are yet speaking [dabar], I will hear [shama`]. KJV-Interlinear



24 It will also come to pass that before they call, I will answer; and while they are still speaking, I will hear. NASB

The need and function of prayer will not vanish from life, even though the Millennium will be a perfect time in history.

Actually much of the Millennium will be a result of active prayers, offered by the people who will live during that future time, answered by Christ almost immediately.

The initial generation, which will start the Millennium, will be the remnant of folks who will survive through the Tribulation. They will survive and be delivered, by Christ at the Second Advent, due to their advance to spiritual maturity. Maximum spiritual growth receives maximum blessing.

Prayer will be their only weapon against the onslaught of the tribulational evils that they will have to endure.

Once the Tribulation ends and the Millennium begins, prayer will not stop. Those folks will have a lot of needs. And here, God fulfills their every need, and then some.

This verse has a dual function. It applies to the function of prayer for those folks of the Millennium as well as to you and me.

God is prepared. God has always been prepared throughout all of history, even since eternity past. Nothing takes God by surprise, as through the mechanism of the Divine Decrees, God has made preparations for every conceivable want or need that any human being might have.

This does not mean that we always get what we want, but it does mean that God has made provision for each of our lives, for every moment and every possible circumstance of our lives. God does not forget any of us. God knows what we need and when we need it.

Remember that in this life, Gods desire is to get us to spiritual maturity. From that, all blessings flow freely and as appropriate to our time in history.

In prayer, there are two components, the petitions and the desires surrounding them. The petition is the thing we want. God give me money. The desire is the reason we want the thing we ask for, like security, peace of mind, freedom from stress, and such things.

You may receive a Yes from God for one or both, or neither of those components.

Prayer is also tied to Gods plan and policy for your life and for history. All prayer must be compatible with what God has planned for your life, and with what God has planned for human history.

Likewise, all prayer must be offered while you are in fellowship. No communication exists with God when you are out of fellowship. There is a flow chart on the web site, which outlines graphically the function of prayer.

Today, we live in the Church Age. Ours is an age of the completed scriptures. Ours is an age of the forming of the nations for the last segment of the Age of Israel, or the Tribulation as we call that last segment. Ours is an age of the formation of the Royal Family. And finally, our dispensation is an age of trends.

Trends, means that we have no prophecy to be fulfilled from within our dispensation, except for the close of our age. That close is the Rapture. Our dispensation was not revealed in the Old Testament, and therefore, by default, all prophecy in the Old Testament, applies to dispensations other than our own. The bulk of those prophecies apply to the seven years of the Tribulation.

But regardless of whether people pray to God during our dispensation or some other time, the principles of prayer are always the same.

Before you call I will answer, simply means that God has already made preparation for your request. In eternity past, God looked down through the tunnel of time and saw all that you would think, say, and do. He saw all of the circumstances of your life, and He made provision for them.

That provision includes the time and place of your birth, the family you would be born to, the circumstances of your home and town and nation, and even the circumstances of the world during your lifetime.

That provision includes the clothes you would need, the employment you would need, the home, the transportation, the friends and so forth, which you will need in life. This also includes your entertainment. Everything that you can possibly imagine for yourself, God has made provision for it.

Unfortunately, too many folks deviate from their spiritual lives and they stray into a world of their own. So God has provided for adequate discipline as well. Often times we need to be reminded that we are not the top dog and that life will swallow us up unless we keep our eyes focused on God.

If what you want, does not match up with Gods plan for your life, or for history, then you will not receive it.

In the Millennium, the spiritual growth of those folks will be so maximized, and the circumstances of that era of time will be such that, nearly all of their requests will be legitimate and in line with their personal lives and with the history, which God has planned for that dispensation, the Millennium. Therefore, their requests will be granted even as they make their requests.

Wouldn t that be cool? Better than having your own genie!

The phrase, While they speak, I will hear, means just that. While those folks are making their prayer request, God will hear and execute their request immediately. That is, the actual reality of God response.

For you and me in our current time, this means that God hears us if we are in fellowship. And if our prayer is granted, then in due course, the results will be made known.

A child, asks to drive the car. So God responds. Yes, you can drive the car. It will certainly fit your life s requirements, but first you have to grow up out of your diapers, get an education, take the drivers test and pass it, and then get a car.

So you see, the prayer is granted, but in our dispensation of trends, time may be a factor, too. Certain things have to occur before you will realize your prayer.

You ask, Father, I want to be a great spiritual person with great faith. God responds, Yes, that is possible and will be granted if you remain positive toward doctrine, study everyday, learn, and apply My principles to your daily life, and pass the various tests of faith which I will impose on you from time to time.

You ask, Father I want the Rapture to occur tonight. God responds, The time of the Rapture is contingent on many things, like getting the nations all aligned as I want them to be, to have all that will be members of the Royal Family, born into this world, grow up and believe in Christ.

You ask, Father, I fell and skinned my knee. Please heal it. God responds, Yes, your knee will heal in a few days.

You ask, Father, can I win the lottery? God responds, No, to win it would mean that you would stray from your spiritual life. To live a life of struggling, means that you will look to Me, and thus grow up to be a spiritual winner, which pays far, far greater rewards. I will still provide you with work, so you can pay your bills.

So some things will be granted sooner than later. Some things will not be granted because our request is not proper, or it would be bad for us. Other desires might be granted, but we have to use the resources God has provided in order to realize our desires, that is, grow up, get an education, practice, practice, practice, get a job, start a business, save our money, buy what we want.

God has provided us with many resources in life, in order to function in life. We have a talent or skill, we have educational opportunities, we have career opportunities, we have job opportunities, we live within an economy of some type, we meet people, make friends, make decisions, analyze and organize, and so forth throughout or lifetime.

God gives us the ability to function within our environment. We just have to learn to apply His principles to our daily life in order to have a better life for ourselves. The more we grow up spiritually, the better Gods plan for our life, works.

In our dispensation, we generally have to wait to see the results of our prayer requests. In the Millennium, the results will, more often, be instantaneous.

Just because God has made provision for your life, does not mean that you can simply become irresponsible in life and do nothing. Prayer is an important function in the spiritual life. Prayer helps us to focus on the things that are important, and to recognize the things that are not. It also helps us to keep doctrine in the forefront of our thinking, and therefore helps perpetuate and facilitate our spiritual growth.

Also, just because you are expected to be responsible in life, does not mean that the results of your life are due to your own effort, or that everything that you do will be successful. Don t compare your situation to that of your neighbors. It is God who provides the circumstances for friends, or work, or jobs, or customers, not you, and His will for your life is determined uniquely to your life, and no one else's.

prayer wall
Now is the time to post a prayer.

End Of Lesson

Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.

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