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Lesson # Habakkuk 3:5-7 Study Material - Habakkuk 3:5-7 You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth. Habakkuk 3:5-7 5 Before [paniym] him went [yalak] the pestilence [deber] , and burning coals [resheph] went forth [yatsa] at his feet [regel] . 6 He stood [amad] , and measured [muwd] the earth [erets] : he beheld [ra'ah] , and drove asunder [nathar] the nations [gowy] ; and the everlasting [ad] mountains [harar] were scattered [puwts] , the perpetual [owlam] hills [gib`ah] did bow [shachach] : his ways [haliykah] are everlasting [owlam] . 7 I saw [ra'ah] the tents [ohel] of Cushan [Kuwshan] in affliction [aven] : and the curtains [yariy`ah] of the land [erets] of Midian [Midyan] did tremble [ragaz] . KJV-Interlinear 5 Before Him goes pestilence, And plague comes after Him. 6 He stood and surveyed the earth; He looked and startled the nations. Yes, the perpetual mountains were shattered, The ancient hills collapsed. His ways are everlasting. 7 I saw the tents of Cushan under distress, The tent curtains of the land of Midian were trembling. NASB In the time of the Exodus, the Lord, Jesus Christ, sent forth judgment after judgment, discipline after discipline. In the flood of Noah He judged. In the Garden He judged. In the Angelic conflict prior to mans existence, He judged Lucifer, whom we know as Satan. In every generation He judged. All of the nations throughout history receive His judgment. Each individual throughout history receives Christ's evaluation and discipline or judgment whichever is appropriate. Before Him and after His footsteps, go judgment. Divine Righteousness and Divine Justice are His standard, preceding His steps and following in His wake. Jesus Christ is the one and only true and fair judge. He is the sole evaluator of the earth. He knows all of the facts. His decisions and judgments are fair, honest, thorough, and final. Against His will there is no alternative defense. No getting off free without some repercussion to ones thoughts, decisions and actions in life. His ultimate judgment was on Himself at the Cross, wherein He took all of the sins of mankind and poured out their judgment onto Himself and paid the price of sin and won victory over death for all of mankind. Of this, He gave freely the spoils of His success to all who will simply believe in Him and acknowledge His work in the matter of the Cross. Though mankind in most generations has never seen the face of God, that does not mean that He does not exist. We can look to the mountains and see their ancient existence, their long lasting stability through the eons of time. But even the mountains will come to their end. In history a volcano erupts and levels a mountain. This we can observe. But one day there will come a time when the mountains will no longer exist. In the final days and weeks of the Tribulation, the cities, and mountains, and islands, will all cease to exist. All the efforts of man in building road systems, factories, cities, utilities, commerce, machines and on and on, will cease to exist, as they will all succumb to the final days of destruction in that greatest of tribulations of all time. People will die by the billions, with only a remnant left to continue life in the Millennium. The number of that remnant, we do not know. Only two came out of the Garden. Only eight came out of the flood. But out of the exodus, nearly two million Israelites came out of Egypt. It stands to reason that God in all of His grace and power will deliver even more out of the Tribulation, some from every nation, in a time which far surpasses the evil of mankind hands. If the ancient mountains we see today in all of their vastness, will not last, then how can weak (by comparison) mankind last against the terrible judgment from God? The residents of Cush and Midian sat on the perimeter of the advance of the Israelites as they left Egypt, wandered through the desert and finally entered into the land of Canaan. They trembled as the news of their advance came to them. All peoples through history sit on the sidelines and watch the advance of Christianity through history. Though they watch, often times with indifference, all, sooner or later, come face to face with their own personal destiny and a trembling seizes them as they near their own death. Even the fools of life tremble at some point during their life. The ancient peoples lived mostly in tents, and those tents could not protect them. Their things, their possessions, their attitudes, their arbitrary beliefs, their philosophies, all that they clung to in life, could not stop the advance of sin and ultimately their own physical death. Look around. How many of those who have lived in prior centuries remain alive to this day? None. Their bodies have returned to the elements, and their souls, of unbelievers, and souls and spirits of believers have departed to places beyond our reach. If indeed there is no God, then the jungle rules appropriately apply. Go out and get all that you can, while you can. For when your lights go out, then there is nothing more for you. But, if there really is a God and His scriptures which have survived throughout these many thousands of years (as no other theology has survived), are indeed true, then a trembling is in order, for your destiny, your very life is in His hands, to be saved as precious, or discarded as garbage. Which would you prefer? End Of Lesson Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.