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Exodus Introduction and Outline
Lesson # Exodus Introduction, Outline
Study Material - Exodus, book introduction and outline
You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.
Exodus Introduction
Exodus shows us a picture of a people delivered from slavery (sin), their redemption based on their act of faith only in the spilling of blood, chapter 12, their access to God through fellowship, and the building of a Tabernacle which represents the spiritual growth and the construction of a temple in each of our souls as we study, learn and grow up spiritually.
This is a good book for the teaching of spiritual growth, and failure, and restoration to fellowship principles of doctrine. The Israelites were oppressed in slavery with no way out except through divine intervention. Even once they have been delivered, there remains divine intervention in order to help them survive the attacks the world throws at each believer in Christ. Still more divine intervention is required to teach what sin is, what truth is, and how one can discern between the two and remain far from sin and near to truth.
The residence of God comes nearer to mankind with the concept of the tabernacle, its construction and the representations of all of the individual items within it.
Exodus is more than just the story of the ten plagues and some miraculous water parting events, it is a picture of the Christian life from salvation to spiritual maturity. As Genesis shows the creation of a world for God himself, now we see the forming of a nation (a chosen people - believers) for himself. Just as in genesis a world split, some for God and some against God, so too, His people will be split, some for God (mature believers) and some against (negative or immature believers).
Exodus Outline
I. The liberation of Israel. 1:1-18:27.
A. Introduction. 1:1-7.
B. Bondage in Egypt. 1:8-22.
C. Preparation of the deliverer. 2:1-4:31.
1. Birth and preservation of Moses. 2.
2. Call and commission of Moses. 3-4.
D. The mission of Moses to Pharaoh. 5:1-7:7.
1. Moses' first appearance before Pharaoh. 5.
2. The renewed promise and command of Jehovah. 6:1-13.
3. Genealogy of Moses and Aaron. 6:14-27.
4. Moses sent back to Pharaoh. 6:28-7:7
. E. God's wonders in the land of Egypt. 7:8-11:10.
1. Divine commission of Moses and Aaron attested. 7:8-13.
2. The first plague-the Nile turned to blood. 7:14-25.
3. The second plague-frogs. 8:1-15.
4. The third plague-lice. 8:16-19.
5. The fourth plague-flies. 8:20-32.
6. The fifth plague-livestock. 9:1-7.
7. The sixth plague-boils. 9:8-12.
8. The seventh plague-hail. 9:13-35.
9. The eighth plague-locust. 10:1-20.
10. The ninth plague-darkness. 10:21-29.
11. Announcement of the last plague. 11.
F. The Passover, and the departure of Israel. 12:1-15:21.
1. The consecration of Israel. 12:1-28.
2. The tenth plague-God's judgment on Egypt. 12:29-36.
3. The exodus from Egypt. 12:37-15:21.
a. The departure. 12:37-42.
b. Further regulations for the Passover. 12:43-51.
c. Sanctification of the first-born. 13:1-16.
d. Passage through the Red Sea. 13:17-14:31.
e. The song of Moses. 15:1-21.
G. Israel in the wilderness. 15:22-18:27
.II. Israel at Sinai. 19:1-40:38.
A. Establishment of the covenant at Sinai. 19:1-24:11.
B. Directions for the tabernacle and the priesthood. 24:12-31:18.
C. The covenant broken and restored. 32:1-34:35.
D. Building of the tabernacle. 35:1-39:43.
E. Erection and consecration of the tabernacle. 40.
Now is the time to post a prayer.
End Of Lesson
Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
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