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Exodus 14:5-9
Lesson # Exodus 14:5-9
Study Material - Exodus 14:5-9
You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.
Ex. 14:5-9
5 When the king of Egypt was told that the people had fled, Pharaoh and his servants had a change of heart toward the people, and they said, 'What is this we have done, that we have let Israel go from serving us?' 6 So he made his chariot ready and took his people with him; 7 and he took six hundred select chariots, and all the other chariots of Egypt with officers over all of them. 8 And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and he chased after the sons of Israel as the sons of Israel were going out boldly. 9 Then the Egyptians chased after them with all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, his horsemen and his army, and they overtook them camping by the sea, beside Pi-hahiroth, in front of Baal-zephon.
With haste, the Egyptians rushed to close the trap on the Israelites. Moses and the people were encamped along the shore of the Red Sea, near Pi-hahiroth. Again, these two places mentioned have not been located in so far as archaeologic digs are concerned. Several commentaries mention that there are some ambiguous mentions of them in Egyptian records, but the references do not clearly state whether these places were cities, or mere outposts. Most commentaries suspect the latter, which would explain why nothing has ever been found, and probably because there is nothing left to find after these 3500 years, since tents and huts leave nothing behind when they are vacated or subsequently moved for what ever reason. Also, perhaps because this is about to be the sight of a severe defeat of the Egyptians. Egyptians do not document their loses in history. Only their successes.
Surprise!. Pharaoh and his counsel changed their minds yet again. They were distracted with their extensive grief because of the loss of so many of their first born children - sons of Egypt, that the Israelites left in a hurry, as they were commanded to by God - robe and sandals on, and staff in hand.
Pharaoh recovered now has a change of heart. He most likely orders his scouts out to discover their (the Israelites) whereabouts, and when he discovers their movements he concludes, as God has stated that he would conclude, and that is, that they appear to be lost and in a bad strategic position.
Pharaoh quickly mobilizes his army, a much smaller force than the 600,000 male Israelites of adult age, and Pharaoh rushes them to close the trap and to hold them while his army quickly moves into position.
Note, Pharaoh cares only of the lost slave services that the Israelites have to offer him. He cares nothing of them as people. Pharaoh also has lost sight of the power of God and the ten recent encounters, which Pharaoh and all of Egypt suffered. Pharaoh has forgotten the dire economic situation of Egypt from those recent plagues. And too, the Egyptian army is well armed, well trained, and well equipped. The Israelites can not come close to matching the Egyptians militarily. On a level playing field, the Israelites, though superior in numbers would suffer near total annihilation, with their backs to the water, or to the wall as it were. No place to retreat to, no place to support a good defense, no military arms and such.
The big difference is obviously Gods presence. God will do all of the fighting. The Israelites will do no fighting
Wicked people rely on brute force or deceitful tactics to accomplish their desires. They care nothing for those whom they inflict harm against. They treat all peoples, that they view as beneath themselves, as things of abuse if their usefulness becomes nonexistent. Pharaoh again elevates himself above that of God, in that God appointed Pharaoh to his position of power, just as God appoints all peoples to whatever position they occupy, and Pharaoh abuses that position for the benefit of his own selfish lusts, rather than fulfilling the position for the benefit of all those he rules, as God intends from all leaders.
Pharaoh has visions of revenge and violence. He wants to punish the Israelites as well as return them to an even more intolerant life of slavery back in Egypt. And that is exactly how life in the jungle is. The jungle being that environment which is outside the will of God. That environment where people are out of fellowship, and out of touch with reality, and everyone who is not in fellowship in accordance with Gods command, is out of touch with reality as well as out from under the protective shelter of God.
Pharaoh seems to have all the cards. He has the force, the military power, the speed, the training, and so forth. The Israelites are in a totally helpless situation. Within minutes or even hours the could see themselves as lying dead on the slaughtering field of the shore and even out into the water. Their initial reaction when Pharaoh's chariots are spotted flying at them at the gallop? Well that is for tomorrow's lesson. Meanwhile, we all will face our overwhelming opponents in life, and with our backs to the wall from time to time. Things may sometimes seem totally hopeless after a layoff, after a divorce, after a storm, after a diagnosis, or whatever your opponent may be. Just remember that your strength is in doctrine, not in the rules of this world. Do not depend on man, but on God. Stick with your studies, remain in fellowship, and the right decisions and options will come to you.
Now is the time to post a prayer.
End Of Lesson
Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
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