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Exodus 13:1-2

Lesson # Exodus 13:1-2
Study Material - Exodus 13:1-2

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Ex. 13:1-2

1 Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, 2 'Sanctify to Me every first-born, the first offspring of every womb among the sons of Israel, both of man and beast; it belongs to Me.'

Probably at the first rendezvous point, Succoth, God spoke to Moses and gave him a command to set apart all first born males. The word is in the masculine and is reference to male children only, not females. It also applies to the first born males of animals as well.

There was no formal ceremony for this sanctification. This is a formal recognition that the first born out of bondage, as the children of Israel (Jacob) now called Israelites, now belongs to God. There is no age reference here. Later there will be set an age for circumcision at eight days of all male infants, but here the entire nation owes their first born to God for what God has done for them the previous night.

The first born of Egypt died, that the Israelites might be free. The first born of Egypt had no choice in the matter. The decision was at the sole discretion of God alone.

The entire church of God is referred to as the first born, Heb. 12:23.

Christ is said to be the first born of many that will follow as first born, Rom. 8:29.

This then is the principle of Gods sovereign right to the possession of the first fruits, the first production, out of His own work.

The first born which have come out from the womb, not inside the womb. Life begins once the infant comes out from the womb and takes that first breath of life. I know there are those who believe that life begins in the womb and that this has implications for abortion and so forth. Usually when we get into this subject many folks drop off of the Bible study, but I cannot help that, I guess.

There is life in the womb. But that life is biological life. There are three categories of life - biological, human, and eternal. These three life types have residences. The biological life resides in the physical body. This begins at conception. Human life resides in the soul. This begins immediately following birth when God breathes 'neshamah' the spark of life, into the soul of the infant. The third, is eternal life and it resides in the human spirit, which is created at the point when one first believes in Christ. This is when it is said that you are reborn, or that you must be born again. Having been born once, physical birth, that is not sufficient to gain access into heaven and to have a relationship with God. We must be born again, but this time of the spirit, thus the third part of ones essence.

God claims the first born of the living, not that which is not yet alive. If there is no life then there is no need for salvation, there is no condemnation for that which has not yet come into existence. Job wished that he had not come out of his mothers womb, that he had not taken that first breath, such that he would not have come into existence. He wished this because of the suffering he was having to deal with.

God also claims the first offspring of the beasts. These will be used in actual sacrifices. No human being will be sacrificed as a part of Gods ritual for teaching Bible doctrine. The animals will however, be used for this purpose. God is the creator of the universe, therefore He is the rightful owner of all that exists, both man and beast.

To remember this day, when the Israelites came out of Egypt, they were in effect ' set apart' or sanctified unto God. Every person who complies with Gods plan and by faith believes in His son, is 'set apart' from the chains of this world. Released from the slave market of sin. Freed from the eternal condemnation that awaits those who do not believe. So herein is a distinction made between those who follow God and those who do not.

Why the first born only? Because this is going to be the emphasis of all the rituals that will be presented, the only begotten Son of God, the first born of many first born. The importance of the first born concept is that of Gods Son, not those that come from man.

Just as man will distort the ritual of circumcision, or baptism, etc., and place the emphasis on the physical aspect, rather than placing the importance on the spiritual instruction of these practices, so man will distort the principle of the first born son, giving more inheritance to him than to other children that may follow.

In life on this earth, things are certainly not fair as man creates various rules that treat some as better or more privileged than others. Not so in heaven. In Gods plan all are treated equally. We all have equal opportunity, equal access, equal potential, equal privilege. Life with God is dependent on our single decision to believe in Christ thus making us a member of his family, an adult first born son, therefore eligible for a share in the inheritance that God offers. After salvation then, our daily decisions determine what level of spiritual growth we will achieve.

The important principle of this lesson is that all who believe are treated as 'first born sons' of God, with all the title and privilege that goes along with it. We are no longer of this world (Egypt), but have been set apart and now belong to God. God therefore has the sole authority to deal with that which belongs to Him, and we belong to Him by virtue of His creation first, but more than that, He paid the price of our freedom from slavery second, so God has more than sufficient ownership and title to each one of us. And that which belongs to God, no one has the right to interfere with in life. Therefore, our position is secure in Him.

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Now is the time to post a prayer.

End Of Lesson

Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.

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