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Ecclesiastes 6:3-6
Lesson # Eccl. 6:3-6
Study Material - Eccl. 6:3-6
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Eccl. 6:3-6
3 If a man fathers a hundred children and lives many years, however many they be, but his soul is not satisfied with good things, and he does not even have a proper burial, then I say, 'Better the miscarriage than he, 4 for it comes in futility and goes into obscurity; and its name is covered in obscurity. 5 'It never sees the sun and it never knows anything; it is better off than he. 6 'Even if the other man lives a thousand years twice and does not enjoy good things-- do not all go to one place?'
The first man has no children, but spends all his life accumulating, as a miser does, but to no good end. His life could run 1000 or 2000 years and still he would die eventually. Without doctrine in his soul, without salvation in his possession, his destiny is the eternal fires of hell.
The second man, herein mentioned in the beginning of verse three, may even have many children, even hundreds, and he might even live a very long time. But now he too is a miser of sorts. He pursues 'things' but will not enjoy them, because his appetite is never satisfied with his accumulations. There is always the need for more, and more, and more. He too will die eventually, and without salvation to his credit as well, he too will be destined for the fires of hell.
What is hell? It is total separation from God, total misery, total aloneness, total pain and suffering. And it is forever. Ones soul, minus this human physical body, but perhaps with some form of substitute body (this is implied in the conversation between Abraham in Paradise, and the rich man in Torments, Luke 16:19+, there was a conversation and some semblance of identification). Anyway, hell is the place that all unbelievers are thrown after the Great White Throne judgment at the end of the Millennium. Only unbelievers face this Throne of judgment. Believers will not be present, except perhaps as spectators.
So whether rich or poor, whether childless or with many children, if a person has not believed in Christ at some point in their life (and you only have to believe in Christ one time in order to be saved), then that unbelieving person will go into the lake of fire. This is the absolute worst place anyone could ever be condemned to. There are no bars, no drinks on the house, no singing, no carousing, no virgins, no jokes, no cigars, nothing but pure torment and maximum misery.
Solomon makes a statement here that gives us a picture of human life. Better to have been miscarried in the womb, than to have come to life at birth. Also, noted in Job 3:16, a miscarriage is something that is discarded, something that never sees life, never sees the day, never sees death. A fetus is not a human being until it is born and receives that first breath of life, 'neshamah', the spark of life or the breath of life, which comes from God, not from the dust. Dust is the source of biological life. That is what begins in at conception (biological life). Two cells joining and then multiplying, etc., or a growth nothing more. The first of three possible components of life - body, soul, and spirit. The first is from the dust and biological life is the life that resides in the body. The second container is the soul and its resident life is human life. It begins at the point when God imputed human life into the soul at the point of birth The third life is eternal life and its container is the human spirit, which is created at the point of belief in Christ. A person who has all three is complete from the view of this world, and with respect to his destiny determination. A person needs to be furnished within his soul of course and that comes through spiritual growth. Our final completion will come in heave when we receive our resurrection bodies at the rapture, that body replaces our physical bodies with permanent indestructible bodies.
So the rich miser, has a destiny of eternal pain and suffering. Better to have never been born, never to have come into existence, than to go into the lake of fire. Of course the best possible of destinies is to believe in Christ and to grow up to spiritual maturity. But here there are only two choices, and they are really not choices. God gave us life. We had no say in the matter. God offers us a far better life in the future as well as here on earth, and in that we do have a say. Note that ones volition is always the issue here. God never forces anyone to make one decision over another. We all have the free will to choose. Even if we choose wrong. God permits our wrong choice. But no one chooses wrongly without the knowledge of the facts. Everyone on the face of the earth has, or at some time, will have knowledge of Christ and knowledge of salvation. No one dies with an excuse. Of course children who have not reached an age of responsibility and have never received an understanding of Christ, will go to Heaven automatically. God is fair.
But those who become alive, and live more than enough time on this earth, those who have the information and repetitively decide against Christ, will go to the lake of fire at the end of human history. In the interim they will spend their time in a place called Torments. All unbelievers go to the same place - a really bad place. So what good is accumulation of any kind? What good are having heirs, in any number? No good at all. These 'things' cannot save, nor can they alter your future away from eternal condemnation. Only faith in Christ can do that.
If you are one to never believe in Christ, then you would have been far better off to have never come into existence, ever. Better to have been miscarried, which teaches us that the fetus is not human life, but that which is thrown out with the garbage in a miscarriage. It is nothingness.
Now is the time to post a prayer.
End Of Lesson
Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
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