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Ecclesiastes 3:9-10

Lesson # Eccl. 3:9-10
Study Material - Eccl. 3:9-10

You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.

Eccl. 3:9-10

9 What profit is there to the worker from that in which he toils? 10 I have seen the task which God has given the sons of men with which to occupy themselves.

What profit is there in this world? Better yet, what guarantee is there that you will actually achieve your goals in this world? And, beyond those goals, what guarantee is there that you will keep the fruits of your labor? None!

Man was not placed in this world to become idle or to achieve rest by means of this world, but by means of Bible doctrine. This world is full of uncertainty, full of things that we cannot control. If we work hard and achieve some prosperity, then it seems that something comes along and takes it away from us. An accident, a disagreement, a falling out in business, a wearing out of a mechanical part, whatever the source, there is always something in the jungle of the world that is waiting to snatch the very things that you worked so hard to gain.

Are there shorter paths to a better life in this world? No. Are there tricks or magic formulas? Are there better ways to win in the stock market, or in business, or in love? How about with God! Is there an easier way to gain His attention and somehow launch yourself to success by just doing something for God? No.

There are no quick and easy ways through life. Many a person constantly try the secret formula to success that others sell. There are pyramid schemes. Some even pursue astrology in their goal to achieve success or love or something in life.

God placed a task on mankind. To Adam - labor, and to Eve, pain in child birth. And so is our heritage - our heritage from this world that is. The spiritual life is a very different thing and the heritage from the spiritual life is a very different heritage.

Through Jesus Christ we receive our spiritual heritage. So Adam represents the world and Jesus Christ represents the spiritual. I have seen in a recent news article something about a book that is gaining popularity out there in the world. Something about Jabez and the prayer he prayed and that God listened to him and granted him his request. By the way this is found in 1 Chron. 4:10. It is a brief account mentioned right in the middle of a long genealogy list. But note that Jabez was an honorable man (a man of God). He studied his scripture as it was available in his time. He complied with the requirements of the offering rituals. He was in fellowship as required by God, and so he prayed in accordance with the commands that God has given us. Christ said, ask and you shall receive. But just praying a prayer is not a magic answer gaining you access to the pocket book of God. His prayer was legitimate. He prayed for blessing from God rather than from the world, for prosperity, for protection, and for a strong spiritual life. God granted him his request not because he asked, but he was in compliance with spiritual growth. He was an 'honorable' man. Not self righteous, not arrogant, but he recognized the existence of God and pursued his spiritual growth by a daily regimen of consistent study. Consequently he was blessed and prospered.

Psa. 23, covers the same concept. The Lord is our shepherd, the Lord is with us, our cup runs over in prosperity, we fear no evil, and so forth.

Solomon spells out the other side of the coin here in our passage. Life has its beginnings and endings, its ups and downs, and none of it is controllable by us. Life is temporary. God never placed us in this world to reside here for eternity. Our destiny is to be in heaven with Him. Our rest does not come from the things of this world, but from the daily consistent study of His word. 'Study to show thyself approved unto God ..... rightly dividing the Word of Truth.'

We should discern the limitations of this world and from them realize that our future depends on our spiritual status, not our material status. So we can occupy our energies with the hustle and bustle of this life, ignore God and end up with nothing at the end of our life, or we can make room in our life for God, in the proper way of course, and we'll still have to deal with the hustle and bustle in the world, but in the end, we will have receives Gods good blessings and grace throughout our lives and we'll have much to carry with us into heaven and thus receive the rewards of eternity rather than lose them.

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End Of Lesson

Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.

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