You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.
Romans 2:7
7 To them
who by [men] [kata] patient continuance [hupomone] in well [agathos] doing [ergon] seek [zeteo] for glory [doxa] and [kai] honour [time] and [kai] immortality [aphtharsia], eternal [aionios] life [zoe]: KJV-Interlinear
7 to those
who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will
give eternal life; ESV
The subject in this passage is reward. Who gets it and who does not. And certainly if anyone disregards the learning process of the spiritual life, then their reward becomes nil.
Patient continuance, eliminates an occasional good act or deed or even an occasional meaning well, or sincerity of ones personality.
The word, ‘hupomone,’ means cheerful, enduring, continuance, constancy. This establishes a long term pattern for ones life, not the occasional good intention or act.
And remember this has nothing to do with salvation. That depends upon the single act of faith alone and nothing more. Once saved, always saved.
These verses have the do with how you handle your life after salvation. Namely will you comply with Gods mandates to study, learn, grow, and otherwise live by the Biblical principles that are contained within the scriptures. This includes abiding by your divinely expected responsibilities and obligations.
Well doing, ‘agathos ergon,’ means good, genuine, consistent, honest, toil, deed, labor, work, effort.
Seek, ‘zeteo,’ means to pursue, to desire, to want enough such that you make an effort to obtain.
Glory, ‘doxa,’ means dignity, glory, honor, praise, worship.
Honor, ‘time,’ means a value, i.e. money paid, or valuables, invested, esteem (especially of the highest degree), or the dignity itself, honor, precious, price.
Immortality, ‘aphtharsia,’ means incorruptibility, unending existence, genuineness, incorruption, sincerity.
Eternal life, ‘aionios zoe,’ eternal, forever, everlasting.
And all of this points to a dedication to ones spiritual life in accordance with Gods mandates, consistent with how God wants you to live your life. With the genuineness of an honest effort and desire to really want to learn and grow and figure out and understand, and ultimately possess that which God intends for you.
This eliminates those who pretend, those who do not make an effort, those who want someone else to do things for them, those who play games in life, those who complain, those who are superficial and always have excuses, and especially those who simply do not take any of this Bible stuff seriously.
The references to honor or time, eternal life, and immortality means that for you to acquire the benefits of the spiritual life, which are eternal, and permanent, you have to invest in your spiritual life. You have to take the time and make the time and pursue with effort and consistency, your spiritual growth, in order to advance in your spiritual life.
For those who make these commitments, for those who invest the time and continue in their efforts in learning and growing, through thick or thin, and regardless of their situations in life, then there will be a reward that is beyond imagination.
But, for those who do not make the commitment, do not fulfil their obligations in the spiritual life for themselves or others or through supporting of Christian instruction that is expected, for those who pretend their way through life, who try to skimp by, without making any commitment, presuming that someone else will take up their slack, then there will be no reward.
And losing out on an eternal reward is the same as giving up on a treasure of infinite value.
And who could be that stupid? Only the spiritually lazy, the arrogant, the greedy, those who refuse to keep their end up, those who simply ignore that which is expected of them, and totally disregard that which God expects of them.
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Now is the time to post a prayer.
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Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.