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Matthew 9:35-38
Lesson # Matt. 9:35-38
Study Material - Matt. 9:35-38
You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.
Matt. 9:35-38
35 And Jesus was going about all the cities and the villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every kind of disease and every kind of sickness. 36 And seeing the multitudes, He felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and downcast like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then He said to His disciples, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. 38 'Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.'
One of the most important prayers that any of us can offer, is that God will provide instructors of His Word, for this world.
Jesus went around to towns, cities, villages. He taught on the hillsides and in the Synagogues. Where ever there were hearers, He was there to teach.
In the limelight in our world today is not Bible study per se, but the world news stories, the international news, the terrorists, whether or not the various philosophies of the world are honorable or not. Leaders tend to play their politics, squabble over what the other guy said or did, and what they themselves did not say or do. Do we invade or not? Do we promote dialogue or not?
Locally for us all, it is the question of how do I pay the bills this month. Will I get laid off? What about my social life, my boy/girl friends? What is on TV tonight? You know, all the 'important' things we face everyday.
How many of us discuss Bible doctrine with others??? Probably very few. Not to worry. You shouldn't feel guilty for this lack of Bible communication in your social life. Often times it just does not come up in conversation. But then, sometimes it does come up, and we all need to take advantage of that opportunity when it does present itself. Do we try to teach? Not really. Most people just want to have some direction or a place they can go to, to study for themselves, and then perhaps they will throw a question or two at you along the way. Don't think that you will educate someone in five minutes. After all it will take years for you and me to grow up spiritually. We cannot expect someone who is totally green to have the understanding that each of us has.
Our radio talk shows, our TV talk shows, are filled with their opinions and experts, but really not many have the wisdom to know what they are talking about. Many ride the fence and hedge all their answers. Don't want to offend anyone, after all!
The world is full of every type of distraction that would keep us away from the very thing we need - Bible doctrine. Only our individual volition stands in our way and either lets us follow that which we need, or prevents us from getting what we need in life. And I mean Bible doctrine of course. That is what we desperately need more than anything.
Gods Word is our path to clear thinking, to discernment in a world of ambiguity. There are too few instructors of Gods Word, but then there are always too few, and God manages to get His Word to everyone who is interested, anyway.
The woman who was bleeding, the leper, the cripple, all had barriers keeping them from conventional Bible study. Yet they all knew some doctrine. Enough to reach out to Christ and know His capabilities. The Pharisees and many other 'educated' and 'privileged folks did not seem to catch on, nor did they want to catch on. They were interested only in preserving their careers and retaining the admiration of the masses. Public opinion was their religion, or rather the worship they received from the general public.
So it was then and so it is now.
The harvest is plentiful. There are always people who want Bible doctrine. All of us need it whether we acknowledge it or not.
Regardless of the world news situation. Regardless of whether the world will fall into a great war, or depression, or a green house. Regardless of whether we all keep our jobs or business, or lose them overnight. There will always be a solution for each one of us. Some have great adversities while others enjoy prosperous times. Both have equal needs in their spiritual life.
God provides to all. Therefore, in your prayers each night, ask God to provide instructors of His Word and make them available for all who desire Him. Opinion polls aside, the only real solution for mankind and all his problems, great and small, is Bible doctrine.
Now is the time to post a prayer.
End Of Lesson
Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
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