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Matthew 9:1
Lesson # Matt. 9:1
Study Material - Matt. 9:1
You must be in fellowship prior to your Bible study, so that the spiritual information you receive can become a source, of blessing to your soul and produce spiritual growth.
Matt. 9:1
1 And getting into a boat, He crossed over, and came to His own city.
Everywhere Christ goes, He brings with Him cures, freedom from obstacles in life, and prosperity. He never brings destruction or hardship with Him. He never forces His will on anyone. People are always free to choose.
The negative believer or unbeliever may reject God, but at their own chosen peril, 1 Cor. 7:15. Things will go badly for anyone who refuses the graces of God. Anyone living in this world will have available to them, the universal grace of God for which the world is allowed to function (Gods rules for the jungle environment). In that environment there is some possibility of limited happiness (unbelievers can marry, have a family, have a job, own things, etc.), but that happiness if limited and will end upon their death.
The real problem is when God walks away from those who reject Him first. At least in the jungle there is hope of turning around the thinking process of people and they will have the opportunity of getting back into Gods will for their life. But when people perpetually reject God, then sooner of later He will simply leave their lives. That is their doom.
God holds the universe together. Economics, nationalism, family ties, military power, ancestry, culture, education, titles, and anything else you can think of that you might consider the foundation of your life, are all false foundations. They are lies if you look to them for your strength and destiny. Even ones wit and IQ are not enough to carry one through life and into eternity.
The Gadarenes knew of the demon episode. They knew of the pig episode. They were not harmed in any way. Except perhaps for the loss of some piggies. Jesus could have replaced those immediately - He does have power over life and death. But those people chose to reject Jesus and did not want His blessings.
He left.
You do not want Christ to leave your life. But if you play games with Him, then one day He will, and your life will turn upside down and into horrible turmoil.
How does He decide to leave? When He perceives an unchangeable negative attitude, then He will depart from your life. When He perceives an unchangeable game attitude, then He will depart from your life.
When does this occur? God gives us all plenty of time to establish the pattern of life we choose to follow. People are creatures of habit. Once a pattern of life is chosen, then that pattern is made visible to all that stand in witness to the persons life. Remember that angels watch and observe our habits. Our pattern of thinking is evident through our actions.
As we studied in Daniel, we will receive many forms of warnings. We will receive many warnings of repercussions to those decisions we make in our life. Then a decision will be handed down from that higher court in heaven, and our life will turn south in a heartbeat.
Don't wait until that time before you get with a program of Bible study and legitimate spiritual growth. Lest Christ sail away from you. Then who would come to help you?
Christ is always a resident of the city where He is wanted. Capernaum is the physical city in reference here, but that is where positive volition is the broadest for the moment.
Now is the time to post a prayer.
End Of Lesson
Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
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