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Mark 3:18d
Lesson # Mark 3:18d
Study Material - Mark 3:18d
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Mark 3:18d
18 And [kai] Andrew [Andreas] , and [kai] Philip [Philippos] , and [kai] Bartholomew [Bartholomaios] , and [kai] Matthew [Matthaios] , and [kai] Thomas [Thomas] , and [kai] James [Iakobos] the son [ho] of Alphaeus [Alphaios] , and [kai] Thaddaeus [Thaddaios] , and [kai] Simon [Simon] the Canaanite [Kananites] , KJV-Interlinear
Mark 3:18d
18 and Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Zealot; NAS
The seventh Apostle listed in this chapter is Matthew. The writer of the first book of the New Testament and a tax man. Beyond that there is not much more information given to us concerning his life. This is true of nearly all of the Apostles. Remember that there were twelve and generally most people only know a handful of their names. Paul being the most prominent name known of course. s we see, a pattern begins to emerge. These Apostles are not the focus of our spiritual knowledge and growth. The Bible and Jesus Christ is to be our focus. If we were to know more about each man, then that information would have been provided. But it is not. Therefore we do not look to these 'saints' as though they were some form of deity or of some form of higher human status, because when it really comes down to it, they are in fact no better than any other mature believer in history. Remember that mankind is but dust of the earth. We all fit into that category. Only Bible doctrine and spiritual growth will lift us out of that pit, not some celebrity regardless of whom they might be (Christ being the only exception, and the only true celebrity of the universe).
The article, below, from the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, details out the life of Matthew probably better than the other resources that I have mentioned in this recent study of the Apostles.
'MATTHEW (math'-u): Matthew the apostle and evangelist is mentioned in the 4 catalogues of the apostles in Matt 10:3; Mark 3:18; Luke 6:15; Acts 1:13, though his place is not constant in this list, varying between the 7 th and the 8 th places and thus exchanging positions with Thomas. The name occurring in the two forms Matthaios, and Maththaios, is a Greek reproduction of the Aramaic Mattathyah, i.e. 'gift of Yahweh,' and equivalent to Theodore. Before his call to the apostolic office, according to Matt 9:9, his name was Levi. The identity of Matthew and Levi is practically beyond all doubt, as is evident from the predicate in Matt 10:3; and from a comparison of Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27 with Matt 9:9. Mark calls him 'the son of Alphaeus' (Mark 2:14), although this cannot have been the Alphaeus who was the father of James the Less; for if this James and Matthew had been brothers this fact would doubtless have been mentioned, as is the case with Peter and Andrew, and also with the sons of Zebedee.
Whether Jesus, as He did in the case of several others of His disciples, gave him the additional name of Matthew is a matter of which we are not informed. As he was a customs officer (ho telones, Matt 10:3) in Capernaum, in the territory of Herod Antipas, Matthew was not exactly a Roman official, but was in the service of the tetrarch of Galilee, or possibly a subordinate officer, belonging to the class called portitores, serving under the publicani, or superior officials who farmed the Roman taxes. As such he must have had some education, and doubtless in addition to the native Aramaic must have been acquainted with the Greek His ready acceptance of the call of Jesus shows that he must have belonged to that group of publicans and sinners, who in Galilee and elsewhere looked longingly to Jesus (Matt 11:19; Luke 7:34; 15:1). Just at what period of Christ's ministry he was called does not appear with certainty, but evidently not at once, as on the day when he was called (Matt 9:11,14,18; Mark 5:37), Peter, James and John are already trustworthy disciples of Jesus. Unlike the first six among the apostles, Matthew did not enter the group from among the pupils of John the Baptist. These are practically all the data furnished by the New Testament on the person of Matthew, and what is found in post-Biblical and extra-Biblical sources is chiefly the product of imagination and in part based on mistaking the name of Matthew for Matthias (compare Zahn, Introduction to the New Testament, chapter liv, note 3). Tradition states that he preached for 15 years in Palestine and that after this he went to foreign nations, the Ethiopians, Macedonians, Syrians, Persians, Parthians and Medea being mentioned. He is said to have died a natural death either in Ethiopia or in Macedonia. The stories of the Roman Catholic church that he died the death of a martyr on September 21 and of the Greek church that this occurred on November 10 are without any historical basis. Clement of Alexandria (Strom., iv.9) gives the explicit denial of Heracleon that Matthew suffered martyrdom.'
End of the article.
Now is the time to post a prayer.
End Of Lesson
Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
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