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7 Be patient [makrothumeo]
therefore [oun], brethren [adelphos], unto [heos] the coming [parousia] of the Lord [kurios].
Behold [idou], the husbandman [georgos] waiteth [ekdechomai] for
the precious [timios] fruit [karpos] of the earth [ge], and hath
long patience [makrothumeo] for [epi] it [autos], until [heos][an] he receive [lambano] the early [proimos] and [kai] latter [opsimos] rain [huetos].KJV-Interlinear
7 Be patient, therefore,
brethren, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the farmer waits for the
precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early
and late rains. NASB
All of human history
is a planting and a harvest.God has
looked down through the corridors of time and has seen everyone who will
believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ.
Therefore, just as
the farmer plants his crop and then has to wait for it to come into full
ripeness for harvest, and just as the farmer, while waiting during this growing
season, prays for good rains and favorable weather, so too, you as the believer
in Christ, need to learn patience, and pray for favorable circumstances for
yourself as well as others.
During your life, you
will most likely see good times and bad.Today the stock market took a beating, but it wasn t its worst in
history.Within a few months it will
most likely recover its loses, but the beating may not be over yet.
In other times your
life will be better, and it will be worse.But remember that Jesus Christ controls history, not governments, not
stock markets, not anyone.
Just as God controls
the weather and brings prosperous rains, and disastrous storms, so too, these
economic changes are there to gain your attention and turn your attention
toward Him, not your pocketbook.
This disaster could
very well turn south and really get ugly.Or, this could be just a hiccup to get your attention.
In any case, history
is Gods garden, and humanity is His crop.Some will believe and be saved, and some will reject Christ and lose
their eternal life in heaven.But
regardless of what people do, God is harvesting people right and left as we
live and breathe.And, He does it
everyday and has been harvesting everyday and night for all of mans history.
While we focus on the
current events, God is managing humanity for His wise purpose.
You cannot prevent
economic events, nor can you cause them, just as you cannot control the
weather.But you can control your
attitude toward God, toward Christ, toward doctrine, and toward your spiritual
You can either
conform with Gods plan, and learn patience as history unfolds right before your
eyes, or you can do as so many people do in this country and world, and ignore
God to your own detriment and loss.
Now is the time to post a prayer.
End Of Lesson
Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
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