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Hebrews 1:7-8
Lesson # Heb. 1:7-8
Study Material - Heb. 1:7-8
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Heb. 1:7-8
7 And of the angels He says, 'Who makes His angels winds, And His ministers a flame of fire.' 8 But of the Son He says, "Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever, And the righteous scepter is the scepter of His kingdom.
Son and angel are compared. To whom did God speak, and what was the content of what was said? To the angels - wind and fire, but to the Son - an eternal throne.
Angels are given a clearly inferior rank. They are subordinate to God. This is a quote from Psa. 104:4 and Psa. 45:6-7 respectively.
In the former verse, the angels are the subjects. They are Gods servants and ministers, doing His bidding. In a sense they are superior to man in that they have superior physical abilities, superior intelligence, and so forth, but in a sense they are inferior to man in that man is made in the image of God, whereas this is never said of angels.
Wind and fire both serve God. Wind is the word, 'pneuma', spirit, wind, air, breath, or breeze. Wind is everywhere on earth, felt but not seen. It comes from where God calls it. It goes to where God sends it, and such are the angels. Gods power is like fire. None can stand before it. The angels carry service of God to where ever He directs and none can oppose it. God controls history. He appoints as He pleases, as we have already seen in our Daniel study. He dismisses as He pleases. Angels observe and render decisions and at the direction of God, issue directives to carry out Gods will.
Yet with all their power and ability, they are strictly subordinate to Christ, the Son. They are never superior to Him, never have been never were designed to be, nor destined to be. Man on the other hand, was made lower than angels, but in the end, man will be seated on the right hand of the throne of the Father. And Jesus Christ is that man.
Of Christ it is said something very different. He has a throne, an eternal throne. Man sits on thrones and they come and go throughout the ages. Even Satan's self appointed throne has its term limit. But of the Son, that throne will continue forever.
In Psa. 45, it is God speaking to God the Son. God first of all addresses the recipient as God, therefore the Son is God as well. Second, the dominion of the Son is addressed. The throne over all things that exist in heaven and on earth, and every where else for that matter. Third, the rod, the symbol of rule and authority, and power, the scepter if you will, is that of righteousness. On earth, men take power by force. They rule by force, by corruption, by politics, by the rule of law, but those laws are often times prejudiced and twisted. In any justice system, wealth buys you more justice than your would otherwise receive if you were poor. This world is filled with unfairness and inequalities. Depending on the geographical area you live in, you may have more or less opportunity for a fair hearing in law, in employment, in social settings and so forth. Even the angels fell in this respect. Lucifer, Satan, the Devil, the murderer, the deceiver and many other names he goes by, certainly does not rule with any type of fairness or equality.
But Christ in contrast to all of this, is far superior. In person - He is God. In dominion - He rules over all. There will be no pockets of isolation in which His authority cannot reach. His rule will be of that of righteousness, without sin, without guilt, without prejudice. We will all have equal representation before the highest court of God. In the spiritual life we will all have equal opportunity to advance in our lives, our spiritual lives. We will all have equal potential to receive the highest honors available in heaven, because the Son of God is making the decisions and will distribute everything to everyone in accordance with their spiritual lives.
Where else will man or even angel receive a fair shake in life? No where. Not from any other religion in this world. Not from any other philosophy in this world. Not from any set of legislation in this world. No where else can anyone receive or produce anything higher than that which Christ will administer.
Last, the term of office given to Christ is unlimited, eternal, forever. Jesus Christ's rule will go on and on forever. Not just for this term and until the next election when some other government can come in and change things, but forever. There is stability in Christ's rule and authority. There is consistency in His policy. There is truth, and wisdom (knowledge of all the facts), therefore all decisions are just and right.
These opening verses in Hebrews, contrast Jesus Christ against all other possible authorities, and clearly Christ is far superior to all. Why this comparison? Because in the first verse of the next chapter we will be warned to listen closely so as not to drift away, but more than that, so we will not be deceived by the many opinions that exist in this world. Opinions that can lead you away from your Bible study and into a pit of deception and eventual misery. Why is this important? Because you only have one life to live on this earth, and so much rides on your decisions with respect to God and your spiritual life. To not believe in Christ means eternal condemnation in the eternal fires of hell, a very serious mistake that is so easy to avoid. The rest of your life as a believer determines whether you will live just like an unbeliever if your are negative toward God, and therefore will be miserable and then lose all those tremendous rewards in heaven, or whether you will be positive and study diligently and grow up spiritually and thus qualify for the greatest of rewards in eternity, missing nothing for eternity.
So do you pursue a superior Christ, or do you pursue something else which is inferior and a dead end in life?
Now is the time to post a prayer.
End Of Lesson
Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.
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