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Chapter 32 - Wedding Feast
Wedding Feast
Luke 12:35

35 Let [esto] your [humon] loins [osphus] be [esto] girded about [perizonnumi] , and [kai] your lights [luchnos] burning [kaio] ; KJV-Interlinear

35 'Be dressed in readiness, and keep your lamps alight. NASB

In the first parable, we are responsible for recognizing that we have a debt to God. And it is a debt which we cannot repay. Jesus Christ came and paid that debt in our behalf and all God (the Father) requires of us is that we believe in Christ's work and who He is of course (the Son of God) and then God will forgive us our debt. That forgiveness is in effect our salvation. Salvation is the elimination of our being separated from God forever, and destined to the Lake of Firs forever.

Then we saw another barrier which can come along in life and keeps us from our spiritual life. That barrier consists of the details of life. Anything you can think of (which is not of a spiritual nature) is a detail of life. Anything of this world - be it property, status, friends, family relatives, things, entertainment, philosophical beliefs, and so forth. Everything includes, well, everything.

When you place anything in front of your spiritual life, such that you do not study Gods word, do not reside in fellowship, do not grow up spiritually, then that 'thing' whatever it is, is a distraction and you have placed a wrong priority on it.

Now we will look at a wedding feast. But not exactly the feast itself, but our relationship with Christ.

We begin with our preparation and attitude. We are commanded to become like totally devoted servants. In those old days of ancient times, the servants had to obey or else. Likewise they were expected to be prepared at all times for the masters desires. And if they did not, then they were subject to His discipline.

Now people back then were just that, people. There were good masters and there were bad masters. Jesus Christ is the greatest of masters that anyone can have. He is patient, more than fair, more than generous with those who belong to Him. If you were to examine employment with Christ, then you would not find anywhere else, employment benefits, perks, bonuses, wage scales and so forth, better than those which Christ offers.

The cool thing is that there are always openings with Christ, 'Believe in Christ and be saved.' And there is never a layoff. Eternal security. Once saved always saved. But so too there is expected responsibility.

God has expectations from us all. And the summary of those expectations is given here, 'Be prepared at all times.'

Dress is the clothing which covers your skeletal structure. Oil lamps are used to function either in the daytime or at night. Thus your body is like the Bible doctrine you learn which forms inside of you, the framework of your spiritual life. The clothing is the production, adorning, or results of your functioning in your daily work - living by Gods Word day in and day out. You cannot walk around in society with nothing on. You must clothe yourself. Your clothing here are your works of your spiritual production.

Spiritual production is anything you do while you reside in fellowship - anything. When you live inside that fellowship sphere, then you function under the control of the Holy Spirit. You cannot see or feel this function, but the Spirit supports your soul and produces gold, silver, and precious stones as it were in your behalf.

In contrast anyone who is out of fellowship produces only wood, hay, and stubble. These are the productions of the sin nature which runs the soul of the individual who is out of fellowship. This also includes all unbelievers, which should be obvious.

Your good production is reflected in the phrase, 'keep your lamps alight.' That is, always examine yourself and remain in fellowship, always keep God and doctrine in the forefront of your soul. Be persistent, and consistent in your daily study, and then you will always be prepared. Why?

Because one day Christ will call for us. Those who are anti-God (so to speak) will get the arrest warrant call, and they will get the shock of their life. However, those who are prepared, will get the knock at the door from Christ himself. And that calling will come at the moment of your death, or at the Rapture whenever that might occur.

Everyday in your life you take time out for your bathroom functions, your meals, your personal desires whatever they might be. Make sure that Bible study is always on your daily to do list, and do it. End of Lesson

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