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11 Where [hopou] there is [eni] neither [ou] Greek [Hellen] nor [kai] Jew, [Ioudaios] circumcision [peritome] nor [kai] uncircumcision, [akrobustia] Barbarian, [barbaros] Scythian, [Skuthes] bond [doulos] nor free: [eleutheros] but [alla] Christ [Christos] is all, [pas] and [kai] in [en] all. [pas] KJV-Interlinear 11 — a renewal in which there is
no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian,
Scythian, slave and freeman, but Christ is all, and in all. NASB In the world,
distinctions are made between race (Greek and Jew), religious privilege (circumcised
and uncircumcised), cultural differences (barbarian and Scythian), social
status (slave and free), and many other differences all aimed to make one group
higher or better or more elite, than another. Out of these
distinctions have come many variations of bias, and jealousy, and prejudice. And these of course lead to unfairness, gossip,
maligning, judging, violence and every sin imaginable. But in Christ, all of
these distinctions fade away into nothing. As life is full of
lies, so doctrine is full of truth. In
this world you will never discover who or what you are, nor even the meaning
and purpose of your life. However, in truth you
can discover the real you and what everything and why everything is the way it
is, and how you fit in. The natives of America
called their quest for meaning, a spirit-walk.
In Australia they called it a walkabout.
In the east they called it a journey.
In all, these quests were a search for meaning and purpose, a right-of-passage
from childhood to adulthood, a connection will ancestors or nature, a
reinvention of their path, an attempt to write ones
own song of life. But in all of these
methods, nothing good can ever result, because they are all earth based,
emotional based, and lack substance when it is all said and done. The real walkabout, the
real spirit-walk, the real right-of-passage, is found only in Christ. But it is hidden from human effort, as Christ
is in heaven. And doctrine, though as
near as your eyes can see or your ears can hear, is likewise hidden to those
who reject Christ in salvation, and reject Christ in spiritual growth. When you were born into
this world, you were given permanent human life resident in a permanent soul,
but maintained in a temporary physical body.
You lack completion. The missing components
are doctrine for spiritual growth and wisdom, and a permanent body, which you
will receive at the resurrection. But until we all leave
this world, and until we receive our resurrection body, we have one chance to
pursue our spirit-walk, to go out on our walkabout, and to discover the real meaning
and purpose of not only life, but of ourselves. Our life is our song,
our story, the details of which separate us from everyone and everything else. It is ours personally and ours alone. But our life begins with Christ, who is in
all, in that Christ is the foundation of all that is, is the source of all life. Christ is the basis for all meaning and
purpose of everything imaginable and more. In eternity there will be
no need for limitations, no need for gravity, no need for the vacuum of outer
space, no need for air to breathe. In
eternity which is something beyond our comprehension, the possibilities are staggering
and infinite. But our life, our song,
our story, begins with Christ. One of these days, you
will be called home, and there you will stand before Christ sitting on His
throne in heaven, and He will lean forward and ask you, ‘What is your story?’ End Of Lesson Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth. Please Make Your Donation Here |
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