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Process Of Learning Bible Doctrine

God does all the work and therefore God gets all the credit. We can neither earn nor deserve anything in life. Once you truly learn this point you have only one direction to go, and that is up. You will never be confused by all those other religions out there in the world, which teach that God is up there somewhere and all you have to do is be good and you will rise eventually to the level of acceptance by God. Couldn't be further from the truth.

The Bible teaches us that our righteousness is as filthy rags. Some interpretations call them menstrual rags. A disgusting thought when you consider that they are talking about rags used a couple of thousand years ago and the women that had to use them, clean them, reuse them, etc. Well that is the level that our righteousness is at. Now stick your nose in the air and brag about your rags!!

When Adam was created, he was created with a Body, Soul, and Human Spirit. Three parts. Likewise Eve has these three parts. The Body gave humans a means to function on this earth and provide a biological home for the other two. The Soul gave humans a home for their human life, something that God provide us at the point of our physical birth. The Human Spirit provided us humans with a mechanism to link up with God so to speak.

When the first sin was committed, both Adam and Eve lost that link. They died a spiritual death instantly. They lost their human spirit and had lost their relationship with God. They had to hide in the Garden. They couldn't see God, but could hear Him. The Holy Spirit graciously stood in the gap and provided a temporary link to allow them to hear the Gospel, the promise of a savior. When they believed, they had their human spirit restored and therefore the mechanism with which they could have a relationship with God was back in place.

Unbelievers don't have a human spirit. They only have the two parts of the body and soul. The Holy Spirit stands in the gap for all of humanity to present the gospel such that when the unbeliever does hear the gospel, it will be made clear to them and then they will have an opportunity to believe in our Savior, Jesus Christ, and therefore become saved. Note that God does all the work. We do nothing but listen and believe.

Once we are saved then the same mechanism is in place for our spiritual growth, but we have to now be in fellowship with God or this mechanism is shut down. Being is fellowship or not being in fellowship are the only two spiritual positions that exist for believers. You are either in or out, and sin is the factor that decides where you are. God can have nothing to do with sin so if you sin, then you are instantly out of fellowship. As Adam and Eve were in the Garden, hidden from God. To get back into fellowship you must cite your sins to God and he will acknowledge those sins and place you back into fellowship, therefore your link via the human spirit is now back online with God.

Once in fellowship, then all Bible Doctrine that you hear will be funneled down through your human spirit and into your soul where your spiritual growth can take shape.

Note again that this is all made possible by God. We have nothing to do but listen, learn, and grow. God does all the work.

This is the process of spiritual growth. Just a simple outline, but if you continue with this Bible study, then the details and scripture supporting all of this will be made clear.

So remember to restore yourself to fellowship so you are always online with God. Study daily or regularly your Bible, and you will advance to spiritual maturity.

Next read the document on 'Sin'. This is nothing more than a list of sins. You can't name your sins unless you know what they are. Some sins are obvious, but others are not. The Bible provides sin lists in many different places so the next document will help to identify sins and if nothing more, it will give you a check list of sins that you can name to God just to cover yourself in case you have forgotten something. But don't worry about forgetting things because God will restore you even if you forget some sins just as long as you name the things you do remember.

Don't try to pretend because God knows if you are faking it. By the way this restoration prayer, if you want to call it that, is a very simple prayer expressed privately, toward God the Father, and in the name of Christ.

An example of this restoration prayer is as follows:

Father I committed the following sins: I lied to my friend, and I cheated on a test, and I was arrogant. In Christ's name I pray. Amen

Now it is important to forget those sins and move forward. You are back in fellowship and ready to continue your study of the Bible, stabilize your life, and advance toward maturity.

prayer wall
Now is the time to post a prayer.

End Of Lesson

Study to show thyself approved (mature) unto God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing (studying/discerning), the Word of truth.

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